
a script merger for the game The Witcher 3, made in rust

Primary LanguageRust


A command line script merger for The Witcher 3


The basic usage is the following:

$ tw3-script-merger --source "The Witcher 3/content/content0/scripts" --input "The Witcher 3/mods" --output "The Witcher 3/mods/mod0000_MergedFiles/content/scripts"
  • --source is the location of the vanilla scripts, or the base for the 3-way merge.
  • --input is the location of the mods you want to merge, the folder containing the mods.
  • --output is the destiniation of the merge.
  • An optional parameter --clean can be passed to tell tw3-script-merger to clean the output folder before proceeding.

Doing so will result in a new folder being created with all the merges and the conflicts in it. You are free to use whatever method suits you to find the conflicts and resolve them.

If you wish to be prompted every time a conflict is detected by the tool, you can pass the optional parameter --texteditor. Here is an example where we're using code (visual studio code), note that you may need to path the absolute bath to the binary if it is not in your PATH:

$ tw3-script-merger --source "The Witcher 3/content/content0/scripts" --input "The Witcher 3/mods" --output "The Witcher 3/mods/mod0000_MergedFiles/content/scripts" --texteditor code

Doing so will tell the tool to open the supplied text editor for every conflict, and to wait until you resolve them before proceeding with the merge.

If you wish to make a GUI over this cli tool, there is an optional --json parameter that will tell tw3-script-merger to output the conflict in a JSON format your code can use. Here is an example of a conflict in the JSON format:

      "original":"\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tburning = (W3Effect_Burning)action.causer;\r\n\t\tif(actorVictim && (((W3IgniEntity)action.causer) || ((W3IgniProjectile)action.causer) || ( burning && burning.IsSignEffect())) )\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tmin = actorVictim.GetAttributeValue('igni_damage_amplifier');\r\n\t\t\tfinalDamage = finalDamage * (1 + min.valueMultiplicative) + min.valueAdditive;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n",
      "theirs":"\n\t\t\r\n\t\t// Ignore igni_damage_amplifier\r\n",
      "context_before":"\t\tif(dmgInfo.dmgType == theGame.params.DAMAGE_NAME_FIRE && finalDamage > 0)\r\n\t\t\taction.SetDealtFireDamage(true);\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t// Fist attack buff per character level removed\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tif(playerAttacker && attackAction && playerAttacker.IsHeavyAttack(attackAction.GetAttackName()))\r\n\t\t\tfinalDamage *= 1.833;\r\n",
      "context_after":"\n\t\t\r\n\t\t// Ignore igni_damage_amplifier\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tif ( theGame.CanLog() )\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tLogDMHits(\"Single hit damage: initial damage = \" + NoTrailZeros(dmgInfo.dmgVal),
       action);\r\n\t\t\tLogDMHits(\"Single hit damage: attack_power = base: \" + NoTrailZeros(powerMod.valueBase) + \",
       mult: \" + NoTrailZeros(powerMod.va",

tw3-script-merger will then watch the file and wait until it changes. Your tool is then free to process the conflict in the way it pleases and write the changes to the file once it is resolved. tw3-script-merger will then proceed with the merge.


To build tw3-script-merger you need to install the rust compiler, once it is done you can run

$ cargo build --release

This will create a binary at ./target/release/tw3-script-merger