
:art: Photoshop Effects Replication.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Version : 3.7.4

Image Effects

Effects for different images including the negative effect , the 3D retro effect , technically know as anagylph and the sketch effect can be achieved through my code currently .

These effects are similar to those of photo booth , snapchat filters and others . All I have done is tried to achieve a few of them through my code , written in pure python using OpenCV library and various others .

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


The libraries used for carrying out the effects in the project include :

  1. Opencv-Python
  2. Argparse
  3. Pillow
  4. os
  5. Numpy
  6. tqdm

The installation of the required packages on your local machine , done after cloning the project , can be proceeded by writing the following command .

pip install -r requirements.txt


A step by step series to help you get the code running on your local machine .

Clone the repository through your command line in C:/Users/YourName folder.

git clone 'https://github.com/AemieJ/Effects.git'

Install all the required libraries for this project by the command used in Prerequisites.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Your images should be stored in the Image folder , you can also try out the sample images for fun sake .

First , you have to operate the dirs.py from your command line or terminal as follows .

python dirs.py

This will create an Effects folder which will store all the filtered images .

Run the following command for getting started .

python effects.py -h

This will result in the required parameters for the user to input to get the filter/effect working on the image .

>>> Filters available 
>>> n for negative image
>>> s for sketch of the image 
>>> a for 3D retro effect

optional arguments: 
  -h,--help  shows this help message and exit 
  -f F       enter fileName of your picture 
  -filter FILTER [FILTER ...]  Filter(s) you want to apply to your image

After you have received the message as above , you are ready to run your code . In the filter argument , you can pass either a single or multiple filters separated by a space .

Example , if you want to pass perform a single effect on your image , you can write the command as follows :

python effects.py -f fileName -filter s 

The above code will generate a sketch for the fileName image .

For running multiple effects on your image at once , write the following command

python effects.py -f fileName -filter s n a 

It will perform all the 3 effects on your image one by one and store it in their respective folders.

Running the tests

For the sketch effect of the image , you can control the thickness of the lines and number of details you want to observe in your sketch .

These can be done by moving into the sketch.py file and making changes to the line 17

thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blend, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9,13)

The last 2 parameters are responsible for thickness of the lines and details to observe in the sketch effect . These 2 values can continuously be adjusted and played around with to get the sketch effect of the image as per your requirement .

Demo on the black butler anime with the effects

Effects on Black butler Anime characters

Built With

  • OpenCV-python - Library aimed at real-time Computer Vision
  • Numpy - Library for adding support for large multidimensional arrays and matrices
  • Pillow - Library that adds support for opening, manipulating, and saving many different image file formats


  • Aemie Jariwala - Initial work - AemieJ