
Another attempt at making a fzf based mpd client.

Primary LanguageShell



  1. rlwrap : For history support
  2. fzf : For fuzzy finding
  3. mpc+mpd+ncmpcpp : mpd is the server, and mpc is the client

Screen Recording

Sample Screen Recording


  • Install the dependencies
  • Move the script somewhere in path


# For interactive usage
mpfzf -i

# For Non interactive Usage
# [TBI]
# mpfzf -ni

# Changing Host and Port
mpfzf -i 6600

Interactive Mode Support

a | add       -- Add Music to playlist from Folder
> | next      -- Play the next Song in Queue
< | previous  -- Play the previous Song in Queue
r | resume    -- Resume the song
p | play      -- Play a song from Playlist
x | remove    -- Remove a song from queeu
u | pause     -- Pause Music
l | list      -- List Songs in Current Queue
q | quit      -- Quit

o | repeat
z | random 
s | single 
c | consume
+ | volume up
- | volume down
t | toggle
k | seek