
Eventghost for Android allow you to:

  • Communicate with EventGhost servers running the Network Event Receiver plugin
  • Act as an EventGhost server and receive events

For more information on EventGhost, see: http://eventghost.org

When adding to your project, make sure to:


  • Declare service: Eventghost$EventghostService
  • Add permission: android.permission.INTERNET

To connect to a server and send events:

public onCreate(Bundle bundle) { Eventghost eg = new Eventghost(); String host = ""; String pw = "password"; eg.connect(host, pw); eg.sendEvent("myEvent", "myPayload"); }

To start listening (Android device becomes Eventghost server): public onCreate(Bundle bundle) { Eventghost eg = new Eventghost(); eg.startListening(); }

public onReceivedEvent(String event, String payload) { Log.d(TAG, "Received Event: " + event + " with payload: " + payload); }