
Codeigniter extended controller for autoloading views and global initialization of processes.

Primary LanguagePHP


By autoloading components of Codeigniter, it's easy to DRY up applications by autoloading views, adding the capaility of loading layouts depending on the class and method, logging, and other useful tasks.


To use this core extension, is simple.


Copy the EXT_Controller.php file to your application/core folder, and set your $config['subclass_prefix']. to EXT_ (or just rename the file with the value you want. EXT_ is just the default for this file, and MY_ for Codeigniter).

You can read this in detail in the [Codeigniter User Guide][Uer Guide] (section Extending Core Class).

Extending controllers

After you do set up the controller core class, extend your controllers to the chosen prefix instead of the default (CI_Controller):

class Controller extends EXT_Controller {
	public function __construct() {
		// code
	public function index() {
		// more code

Auto-loading views

When creating your views, create them inside a files/ directory inside your views/ directory. The strcuture is:


The extension will auto-load the method.php view file (according to your method specified in your controller).

To change the default view use $this->view = 'files/path/to/view'


  • Create a layouts/ directory inside your views/ directory and create a default.php file.
  • Add <?php echo $content; > to that file and the HTML that will contain it. $content sotres all the data inside your view (loaded in application/view/files/controller/method).
  • To change the default layout, use `$this->layout = 'name' inside your controller.

In-depth explanation

There's a detailed blog post on how I made this and what does this do on my website — be sure to check it out!