
Project Highlander

Primary LanguageRuby


There can be only one


Hilanders goal is to encourage and promote awesome work through points and badges. Focusing on rewarding great work through positive point allocation instead of negative point deduction is a major goal of the project.

Getting started

  1. Clone it
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:data_migrate
  4. rails s
  5. Hit http://localhost:3000


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Development notes

Some features need environment settings

Github OAuth needs Application keys... See .env.sample for the names of the environment variables to set. You can duplicate .env.sample to .env and fill in the values so they are loaded automatically in development (see dotenv Gem).

hosts file

This app relies a lot on subdomains. Because of Google Auth, you can't use Pow (Google doesn't like .dev domains). In development, you'll need to add domain hilanderlocal.com (or whatever domain is set in env var HILANDER_ROOT) to your host file. You also need to redirect the www subdomain (used for Google OAuth redirection) and a subdomain for every clan your plan to use. Example: localhost hilanderlocal.com www.hilanderlocal.com clan1.hilanderlocal.com

Finally, you need to access the site in your browser with on the Rails port (e.g. clan1.hilanderlocal.com:3000)

The clans also need to exist in the clans database table.

We use the data_migrations gem for seed data

To keep our data migrations seperate from the schema migrations*, we use ashmckenzie's data_migrations gem.

To create a new migration (e.g. add a new metric):

$ rails g data_migration:new <name of migration>  # similar to rails g migration <name of migration>
$ rake db:data_migrate                            # similar to rake db:migrate

Please see the data_migrations docs for further info.

*Please note this means the Rails migrations are for schema changes only

Adding a new Metric

(consider adding a wiki page for this)

  1. Write a capybara feature test (see spec/features for examples of what we test)
  2. Watch it fail
  3. Add your new metric to the database by running a data migration to add the new row to the metrics table (see above)
  4. Add the metric name to the Metric::NAMES array. This automagically creates a new post endpoint in the format "/api/your-metric-name.json" - see the routes file, or run $ rake routes to verify). All metric posts are redirected to the events#create action, with the metric name merged into the params with key :metric.
  5. Implement a PayloadAdapter for your metric only if the base one isn't compatible with the JSON payload you're expecting.
  6. Implement a PayloadValidator for your metric only if you require additional/customised checks before creating the event.
  7. Run your test again... watch it pass

Configuring badges for your new metric