
STM32 F4 Quadcopter Flight Software for AQ32 hardware

Primary LanguageC

20130722 - Remove SD card support, moving to openLog. Uart writes are DMA and don't block

20130721 - Cleanup some warnings from cliSUpport.c and utilities.c - Misc cleanup for merging to master

20130622 - Fixed errors in mag calibration that could cause ram to be inadvertantly overwritten. Fixed scaling/bias error in high resolution (11 bit) Spektrum mode. Changed SPI2 clock to 5.25 MHz to see if MAX7456 is happier Corrected comment in gpsNMEA.c about consuming trailing comma

20130617 - Fixed requirement for a board reset after changing the Spektrum resolution. Added logic to support altitude hold and vertical velocity hold. Removed MXR9150 test code.

20130606 - Fixed EVR not displaying error, minor reformatting of EVR messages, commented out disarm commands for battery error and Spektrum watchdog timeout, added some test code for the MXR9150

20130605 - Added improvements from the Ashima Groups AQ32 fork, see: https://github.com/ashima/AQ32Plus/wiki/Possible-Contribs-Back-to-AQ32Plus-Master

20130604 - Fix sign error on MXR9150 Y axis, add MS5611 temperature to telemetry, change accel sum variables in accel calibration from floats to doubles, fix DMA conflict between ADC and SD Card SPI.

20130530 - Many updates to clean up bugs, thanks to all involved. No new functionality

20130528 - MXR9150 calibration fixes, pressureAlt low pass filter, remove linear algebra files (need replaced by DSP function calls)

20130526 - Synchronized main loop and Systick ISR functions, floating point conversion of MS5611 data, MXR9150 acclerometer interface, MXR9150 calibration, switchover to MXR 9150 accelerometer, DSP Libraries

20130515 - Removed .cproject from GIT project root and saved in new setup folder

20130515 - Upgraded to CMSIS v3.2


Features of aq32Plus:

1)Focused at the capabilities of the aq32/STM32F407 hardware 2)1 KHz sampling of gyro and accel, averaged to 500 Hz for use 3)Pressure data sampling at 100 Hz, averged to 10 Hz for use 4)Mag data sampling at 50 Hz 5)Interrupt driven system timing, 1 KHz max rate for sensor reads 6)500Hz, 200Hz, 100Hz, 50Hz, 10 Hz, 5 Hz, and 1 Hz task frames. Not quite a RTOS. 7)1 to 8 ESC PWM outputs, adjustable output rate, default 450 Hz, 0.5 uSec resolution 8)1 to 3 Servo PWM outputs, adjustable output rate, default 50 Hz, 0.5 uSec resolution 9)Parallel PWM (default), serial PWM, and Spektrum RX support(binding with RX too) ** 10)MARG attitude estimator with functioning accel cutoff 11)Attitude estimation and flight control inner loops running at 500 Hz 12)Delta times for integration functions computed via hardware timers at 0.5 uSec resolution 13)Wide range of mixers: Gimbal Flying Wing BiCopter TriCopter QuadP, QuadX, VTail(6 different schemes), Y4 Hex6P, Hex6X, Y6 OctoF8P, OctoF8X, OctoX8P, OctoX8X FreeMix (Up to 8 motors/Surfaces) 14)Drivers for I2C 1 and 2, SPI 1,2, and 3, uart1(RF telem), uart2(GPS) 15)Setup via command line interface (CLI), no configurator interface at this time 16)Limited high speed (100 Hz) RF telemetry for sensor evaluation and PID tuning 17)Built with the Eclipse/Code Sourcery/STM Standard Peripherial Library tools 18)Programmed thru USB port via STM DFUSE demo program 19)Not Arduino compatible (sorry) 20)Whatever I forgot to add here......

** PWM at 0.5 uSec resolution, both low res and hi res Spektrum data

Bench Tested Features of aq32Plus:

1)Parallel PWM Inputs 2)Spektrum Satellite Input and Binding, 8 channel low res mode 3)Quad X Calculations 4)CLI Setup 5)RF Telem 6)MediaTek GPS, binary and NMEA modes

Flight Tested Features of aq32Plus:

1)Spektrum Satellite Input and Binding, 8 channel low res mode 2)Quad X 3)CLI Setup 4)RF Telem

Planned Additions (in no particular order):

1)Vertical VelocityHold/Altitude Hold 2)Velocity Hold 3)Position Hold 4)Battery Monitor 5)SD Card Read/Write 6)AGL Sensor 7)Optical Flow velocity/position aiding 8)Futaba SBUS 9)Support more than 8 RX channels 10)OSD 11)Second Spektrum Satellite 12)PID autotuning

There's a lot of stuff I could on here with, but enough typing for now. I tried to keep the code as readable as possible. I'm sure there is a lot of room for improvement.

As of this writing I've done hovering tests in my backyard. I think it's the best handling code I flown in my limited testing. Some of the guys I conferred with, who are far better pilots than I am, have been able to fly circles around themselves without seeing the leans problem.

My test configuration is the AeroQuad Typhoon frame, with the same motors and ESC supplied in the ARF kit. I have flashed the HobbyWing ESCs with Revision 9 of the BLHeli multirotor code. I'm using a Spektrum satellite for the RX, and will install the xBee telem radio shortly.

This a major work in progress, looking at what I feel are the best parts of many of the open source projects out there, melding that together in the STM32 world, along with some different ways of doing other things, and seeing where it takes me.

Special thanks to Greg Egan (from the UAVX program) down in Australia for his help with the accel cutoff. Many others had their hand in this too, ala42 for helping me figure out how to get the FPU running, RobertB for sharing ideas about different PID structures, and TimeCop for introducing the Naze32, which enabled me to finally figure out this STM32 stuff. Most of the low level drivers in aq32Plus are based on his Naze32/BaseFlight work. I also have a subset of this code that does run on the Naze32, but it's a little behind in some of the attitude estimator and PID enhacements at the moment.

Still a lot to learn about the STM32, and what we can do with it. More to come.....

v0.1 - Initial Release