A command line tool to convert drm-free azw3 (with or without HD image from azw.res) to epub or strip HD images from azw.res.
- Beansdz
- blueloversbluelovers
- chnbohwr@ReactMaker
- CircuitCoderTsinghua University
- CKwasd
- DasVergessen
- dollpurifier
- ds6451
- faraomanEL.Com S.r.l.
- fireattack
- HollowMouse
- honeymoe
- Idan1985
- johnd0e
- lasthm
- littlenekobupt
- myuki
- nini22PEarth
- ookuralumine
- pnslfinal
- reinstallsys
- skansua
- UnKnoWn-Consortium
- usr-aoi
- veltlion
- vxzms
- WcLyic
- Wingsnail
- wladder
- wxzclc
- xujiaqian
- yin8086
- yk6
- YouCaiJun98
- ysinx
- ywkino