
Autonomous car project repo of Advanced Robotics with ROS, SLAM, imu, and object detection

Primary LanguageC++


Autonomous vehicle project repo of Advanced Robotics
Team members: Yang, Radhen, Jay, Ao and Yueming

Please get your tasks and update your progress on the project in the Progress section

* Setup regular meeting schedule for the rest of the time
* Report your recent progress
* Share ideas

To Talk

Current status of IMU [Jay]

* Can you publish imu message

Current status of Motor and Servo controller [Radhen]

* What is in the pid-control folder
* Smoothly

Current status of IR sensors [Radhen]

* What should we do with the out-range measurements

Current status of Camera [Yang]

* Use 'libuvc_camera' to publish camera image and info
* Use the 'camera_calibration' package to calibrate our lens-fixed fisheye camera

Current status of SLAM [Yang & Jay]

* We now use 'orb-slam2' to do visual slam
* Need to publish to '/VO' topic

Current status of Stop-sign detector [Ao]

* Image delay when I try it
* No worry about distance

Current status of Ball detector [Yueming & Ao]

* How to detect the ball -- blob detector?


   * Name
   * What you have done
   * What you are doing
   * Some of your ideas


  • Done with the camera ROS node (now we switch back to libuvc_camera)
  • Done with the camera calibration
  • Get ORB-SLAM2 working with oCam
  • Working on visual-inertial SLAM
  • Need to let orb-slam publish data to topic /vo (visual odometry)
  • Need to get robot-pose-ekf sub to /vo and /imu and publish to /odom_combined
  • Test loop closure of ORB-SLAM2


  • Got ros_pololu_servo package working for steering
  • Wrote PID controller for steering
  • Need to set the gains for real run to drive in straight line
  • Plan to integrate thrust motor with the ros_pololu_servo package
  • Need to write code to take right angle turns


  • Got IMU to publish at IMU topic
  • Tested IR sensors on arduino
  • Tested Buck converter
  • ORB-SLAM2 successfully running on odroid
  • How to identify a drivable area
  • Controller design using feedback from camera


  • Working on stop-sign detection
    • be able to detect the stop-sign but still need the distance informance
  • Working on rolling ball detection


  • Working on rolling ball detection

Competition description

The challenges we choose:

  • Stop in front of stop-sign
  • Avoid a rolling ball
  • Visual inertial SLAM

Below is the brief description of the competition:

![competition description][pics/competition_description.JPG]

Note since the second meeting (April 7, 2017): second meeting note

ROS topics that are needed for the project [parts]: ros topics

Note of the first meeting: first meeting note