
A tutorial for Auth0

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Auth0 Navigator Tutorial


var TutorialNavigator = require('tutorial-navigator');  //You don't need this using the standalone compilation
var tutorial = new TutorialNavigator({
  clientId: 'some-client-id', // optional
  docsDomain: 'https://docs.myauth0.com' // defaults to 'https://docs.auth0.com'

tutorial.render('#my-tutorial-container');  // Try to avoid using 'tutorial-navigator' as an id
tutorial.pretty(function() {
  // save function to be called after docs get fetch and instert
  // so they can be `prettyfied` by any pretty printing plugin

Install & Build

From Auth0's CDN, ready to go

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.auth0.com/tutorial-navigator/0.7.2/build.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.auth0.com/tutorial-navigator/0.7.2/build.js"></script>

You may also use our minified or standalone versions build.min.*, standalone.*, standalone.min.*.

Downloading from this repository

Run the following lines in your terminal

$ git clone git@github.com:auth0/tutorial-navigator.git
$ cd tutorial-navigator
$ make build

And then you can get the files from the build/ folder.

Using Component(1)

TutorialNavigator uses deedubs/component-stylus plugin con transpile stylus files into CSS in the build process.

So in order to work installed as a component you need to add this build step by following the next few steps:

  1. Add auth0/tutorial-navigator to your dependencies tree at your project's component.json file.
  "dependencies": {
    "auth0/tutorial-navigator": "*"
  1. Install component-stylus

a. by adding it globaly to your environment

$ [sudo] npm install -g component-stylus

b. or local to your Node.js application

$ npm install --save component-stylus

c. or as a devDependency

$ npm install --save-dev component-stylus
  1. Then proceed to build the tutorial

a. by component(1) command line tool with

  $ component build --use component-stylus

b. or with your custom builder by

var Builder = require('component-builder')
var stylus = require('component-stylus');

var builder = new Builder(__dirname);



$ git clone git@github.com:auth0/tutorial-navigator.git
$ cd tutorial-navigator
$ make dev-run

After that you will have access to 3 example pages: