Rainbow? To heck with rainbows! Technicolor is where it's at! Sounds fancier! Because it is. Technicolor lets you add rainbow colors to your lights, notes, walls, sabers, and even bombs. Chose between different Technicolor styles for your personal rainbow experience.
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#19 opened - 0
One handed technicolor
#18 opened - 1
Source code not consistent with beatmods
#17 opened - 0
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Lighting Effects not Working
#15 opened - 0
Saber color works only until a block is hit on 1.0.9. and 1.0.10. (mod assistant) versions
#14 opened - 1
Mod break chain notes
#12 opened - 2
Gradient lights don't work
#10 opened - 1
Sabers no longer get colorized
#6 opened - 5
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Technicolor wont make walls and lights in custom maps rainbow like it did in an older version.
#4 opened - 0