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Private Aviation Reimagined

Table of Contents
  1. Project Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Abstract
  4. Problems for Passengers
  5. Problems for Private Pilots and Airlines
  6. Solution
  7. Chartr
  8. Chartr Business
  9. Aero Labs BaaS
  10. Features
  11. Why MultiversX (Previously Elrond)

Project Summary

Welcome to Aerovek Aviation! Aerovek Aviation is an end-to-end portal for all things private aviation with Web 3.0 features. With a low barrier entry for anyone to onboard, everything is designed to enhance strengths, create new marketplaces for aviation professionals and take passengers further than before!

The Aerovek community is building blockchain infrastructure for the private aviation industry's digital transformation. For some reason, the world of private aviation is powered by pen and paper. People lose and destroy flight logs, contracts, licenses, maintenance records, crew training, and tickets every day and it massively slows down the industry. The private aviation industry is like an old dial-up system and we want to expedite it directly to web3 with secure, immutable, and permissionless blockchain technologies.

Some of the major pain points include:

  • Difficulty Booking a Private Charter Flight: You have to research all the charters in your area send them all an email for a quote and wait for their reply.
  • Payment Fees: Traditionally, passengers are required to pay a 3 to 5% fee on credit card purchases, which can add up to more than $3,000 per flight.
  • No sense of community: Difficult for aviation businesses to market services and create a thriving community of passionate customers.
  • Ticketing System: The current popular tool for the airlines is known as Sabre and it relies on extensive amounts of human labor and is built on centralized servers and single-point-of-failure databases.

Real World Use Cases

  • Chartr: A mobile peer-to-peer private charter booking application similar to Uber for the skies.
  • Chartr Business Portal: A desktop application that allows commercial operators to configure their accounts in such a way that they can promote their services to users of the Chartr mobile app.
  • Aero Labs (BaaS): Blockchain as a Service in which we offer a suite of tools, resources, and APIs for private operators to just plug and play that include:
    • Secure Payment Portals (To save on those nasty fees)
    • On-chain Document Storage (To store all of the companies records)
    • Incident Reporting (For true transparency across the board)
    • End to End Ticketing System (To disrupt Sabre and all other competitors)
    • Flight Logs (To securely store and make available critical flight data)

Get Involved

Chartr Mobile


“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning” - Benjamin Franklin

This document defines the vision and flight plan for Aerovek Aviation and in no way, shape or form represents financial advice or a request for investment. Please be aware that the cryptocurrency market, in general, is extremely volatile. AeroFoundation’s Tokens and NFTs do not have any intrinsic value but are to be used in all of the project's products and services.

Give the tools to the people and disruption will seem sudden and natural. The rise in blockchain technology has allowed us to challenge the status quo and build a better tomorrow. It has allowed us to rethink the impossible, and innovate at exponential levels. There was once a day when flying seemed impossible, but now we are planning to colonize another planet. At Aerovek, we are building a community of innovators, pioneers, and out-of-the-box thinkers to disrupt the aviation industry and create a fully decentralized network. We are a peer-to-peer platform built on the blockchain that believes in a permissionless, borderless, and immutable world.


Aerovek is a decentralized aviation ecosystem that is solving the archaic and inefficient nature of the aviation space through the use of blockchain technology. In conjunction with MultiversX (previously Elrond), the internet-scale blockchain, Aerovek is transforming the aviation business with our private flight mobile app Chartr, custom-built DAO, transformative API’s, and the largest decentralized aviation community in the world.

Problems for Passengers

It all started when our founder Ryan Dietz discovered that student pilots still had to log all of their flight training on a physical book, keep in mind this is in 2021. Dietz happened to be an experienced entrepreneur and software developer that was fascinated with blockchain technology and its endless use cases in the real world. He instantly started to dive into the industry and uncovered problem after problem and all he could think about was how blockchain implementation could solve alot of these problems in the private aviation industry. And just like that Aerovek Aviation was born.

Traveling Commercially

We all know the struggle of flying commercially. You have to:

  • Book weeks, sometimes months in advanced
  • Arrive at the airport hours before your flight
  • Deal with annoying TSA that throws away all your toiletries
  • Wait in never-ending lines
  • Be crammed in the middle of two smelly strangers
  • Hop on another connecting flight and repeat the whole process

Just in case that wasn't enough, there are limited options with terrible departure and arrival times that can be incredibly expensive.

Difficulty Booking Private Flights

If you wanted to book a private charter tomorrow chances are it wouldn't happen. Besides the actual planes themselves, the private aviation industry still hasn't changed much in the last 20-30 years. In some cases, if you wanted an on-demand flight and didn't want to hire a broker you would have to search through multiple websites, fill out several forms, send a couple of emails, and wait for a quote. By the time they get back to you missed your chance.

Not to mention that the majority of private airlines and brokerages don't offer any type of mile-based loyalty program or incentives for their most loyal customers. Not only do they not reward their community they also offer “Memberships” that are sometimes mandatory just to have access to their fleet. These memberships can cost up to $100K annually and could still make you wait 90 days until allowing you to book your first flight.

Corporate Web2 Opacity and Centralization

There is obviously alot of opacity when it comes to the Airline industry both commercial and private regarding the details of every flight, pilot, crew, cost, etc. Along with opacity, customers of these airlines have no ownership, community, governance, or incentives outside frequent flyer miles. Every single major industry decision for users and pilots is made by only a handful of companies/people. Users cant decide what flights will be scheduled, and choose their pilot/plane. And there is zero transparency to any of these decisions. Transparency alone is a huge issue. All the customers' data is owned and managed by centralized parties that get to do whatever they want to it.

Problems for Private Pilots and Airlines

Poor organization and security risks

Often running operations with a pen and paper or in the best case in segregated software systems for the various business processes, the private aviation sector current ways of working are highly deprecated. All prone to error and costly delays. In a world where self-driving cars take us from point A to point B this is not acceptable. People lose and destroy flight logs, contracts, licenses, maintenance records, crew training, and tickets every day and it massively slows down the industry. Our founder Ryan Dietz has been training for this pilot's license and it's taken him years because he lost 2 of his pilot training log booklets and he's had to start from scratch.

Flight log book

In most countries, there are CAMOs (Continued Airworthiness Management Organizations) that must provide record keeping of maintenance performed. If documents or photos are lost or damaged they aren't compliant which means they are in violation of the law.

Just consider Sabre, the country's commercial ticketing system, which was established in 1960 and hasn't undergone many changes since. There are a number of possible drawbacks to a worldwide reservation system like Sabre, which manages all airline tickets globally. It is extremely centralized in the sense that just one entity is in charge of all data and operations. If the system were to fail, this centralization could result in a lack of accountability and transparency as well as a single point of failure. Furthermore, compared to decentralized alternatives, such a system might be slow and inefficient because it depends on human labor and centralized servers and databases. Because centralized systems are more susceptible to hacker attacks and data breaches, security problems could also be a worry. Furthermore, the dependency on human labor can also introduce errors and inefficiencies into the system.

Inefficient Communication and no Sense of Community


We know its not private aviation but this is what the traditional world is used to seeing when they fan through a terms and conditions of a legacy airline:

“American Airlines may, in its discretion, change the AAdvantage® program rules, regulations, travel awards and special offers at any time with or without notice…American Airlines may, among other things, (i) withdraw, limit, modify, or cancel any award; (ii) change program benefits, mileage levels, participant affiliations, conditions of participation, rules for earning, redeeming, retaining or forfeiting mileage credit, or rules for the use of travel awards; (iii) rename or redefine program elements or benefits; (iv) add travel embargo dates, limit the number of seats available for award travel (including, but not limited to, allocating no seats on certain flights) or otherwise restrict the continued availability of travel awards or special offers; or (v) modify or end any of its status programs.”

This doesn't sounds like a company that cares about their “most loyal” customers. Moreso, it sounds like what the guards tell you as they process you into prison.

Lack of Blockchain infrastructure and Developer Tools

Private aviation, while high in revenue, was not able to attract software developers to deliver a comprehensive solution. A tangled industry on its own, the heavy regulation only adds to the complexity of writing software to comply and fulfill all its requirements. Accessing developer tools and resources to adopt web3 technologies like NFTs and blockchain might be difficult for private charter corporations. Due to their complexity and lack of plug-and-play possibilities, these technologies might be challenging for businesses without internal web3 experience to implement. For instance, using these technologies to set up and manage a rewards program might be challenging due to a lack of structure, guidelines, and streamlined procedures. Additionally, it might be challenging and time-consuming to find experienced engineers with blockchain experience. Private charter firms could be reluctant to use these technologies as a result, despite the fact that they have the ability to provide important advantages including automation, security, and data analytics.


ENTER Decentralized Aviation

We live in an age where innovative new technologies are created by small and decentralized companies. Individuals from around the world can come together and join forces. Create diverse teams and build commercial-grade solutions. At Aerovek Aviation, we focus on building blockchain infrastructure and tools for an industry that has been stuck in the 80s. Here is our we are going to propel the industry forward.

“There are numerous reasons why charter companies have begun accepting cryptocurrencies – 24/7 transaction ability, faster processing times, lower fees – but the most common factor is customer feedback.” - NBAA National Business Aviation Association

Fly to earn


The power of private aviation in your pocket

Enter Chartr, our blockchain-based flight mobile application which tackles all of these issues and brings to the table all the benefits of running on the blockchain while giving you air mobility at your fingertips. Chartr is the world’s first Decentralized Private Aviation Application and will be available on both iOS and Android. Chartr allows its users to connect directly with Flight Charter services in their local area, and schedule a private flight without the need for a middleman. Chartr will boost connectivity between aviation professionals, such as pilots, private aircraft owners, and passengers, and will enable a transparent method of tracking flights and an easy and secure way to accept the AERO token for payments as everything will be on the MultivesrX blockchain, and through the security and availability that they provide.

The app is community-developed and open-sourced, meaning anyone can contribute to its development. A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) runs the entire project, ensuring that it is truly decentralized. You won't have to worry about corporate opacity with Aerovek; Past flights, rates, times, locations, pilots, planes, everything will be stored on the blockchain forever, completely transparently.

Due to the extreme speeds and low-cost nature of transacting on the MultiversX Network, fees will be minute. Since these pilots and passengers will be a part of the Aerovek ecosystem they will have access to many more potential flights and customers than usual yielding them a wider customer base and opportunity. By skipping the middlemen pilots will be able to earn what they finally deserve, those Aero rewards will then be flown back into the ecosystem through staking, tipping, transacting, buying and selling and so much more.

Due to the nature of flying privately, our passengers will be saving money by “skipping the line”. Users will have access to local empty-leg flights and participate in flight shares to further the costs of flying private. Chartr users will be flying safer. Yes, private aircraft are generally newer and meticulously maintained, and operators engage in safety and security protocols that often go beyond the kind of screenings that are done for commercial flights. The whole time helping the environment as well. Yes, the MultiversX Network is the first and only carbon-negative blockchain. By supporting us and them you are contributing to environmental and ecological conservation.

We’ve all heard of play-to-earn (P2E) metaverse games, but Chartr is pioneering the fly-to-earn movement. Through the Chartr app, customers can earn loyalty points for every flight flown and redeem them for future travel. Unlike traditional frequent flier miles, Aero tokens never expire and can be redeemed for any flight, activity, or service available through the Chartr app. The more customers fly, the more rewards they earn and the more Aero they can redeem.

Benefits of Flying Private

In addition to the benefits of convenience, comfort, time-saving, productivity, and flexibility, flying private also offers the convenience of being able to drive right up to the tarmac just 15 minutes before the flight, eliminating the need to deal with TSA lines and long waits. Private planes are also often faster and more efficient, meaning you can get to your destination quickly and safely.

You can also fly into smaller regional airports that may not be accessible to commercial airlines or hard wa find flights into. This can be particularly useful if you want to visit a specific location that is not serviced by commercial airlines, such as California wine country. Flying private allows you to bypass the need to travel to a larger airport and then take a bus or other transportation to your final destination, saving you time and hassle.

Benefits of community development

  • Web3 community development provides several advantages compared to internal centralized development:
    • Increased collaboration: It can encourage collaboration and contributions from a diverse group of people, which can lead to faster development and a better-quality product.
    • Enhanced transparency: Open-sourcing code and documentation can increase transparency and accountability, as it allows others to review and understand how the app works.
    • Greater trust: By making the code and documentation available to the community, it can build trust and credibility with users, as they can see exactly how the app functions and what goes into its development.
    • Easier bug fixing: With a larger group of people looking at the code and documentation, it can be easier to identify and fix bugs, as more eyes on the code can lead to more thorough testing and debugging.
    • Greater flexibility: Open-sourcing code and documentation can give developers more flexibility, as they can build upon and customize the app to meet their specific needs and requirements.
    • Improved security: With a wider group of people reviewing the code and documentation, it can be easier to identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities, which can improve the overall security of the app.

Decentralizing the Protocol

Accessibility: By utilizing a decentralized protocol, the software can be used by anyone, anywhere, without the need for a centralized organization or authority to control it. As a result, it is easier to use and more accessible for both pilots and passengers.

Peer-to-peer: Decentralization enables peer-to-peer interactions and transactions, doing away with the need for middlemen or intermediaries and producing a more effective and economical process.

Openness and open communication: Since all data and transactions are stored on the blockchain and are accessible to anybody, a decentralized protocol encourages transparency and open communication.

Chartr Business

Chartr Business

Your portal to the skies

Chartr Business will be the home for all things commercial charter operation. This is where they will configure their account in such a way that they can promote their services to users of the Chartr mobile app.

  • Chartr Business is the hub for commercial charter operations
  • Easily promote your services to Chartr mobile app users
  • Offers a variety of flight options, including marketing flights, filling seats, instructor-student pairing, air freight/cargo charter, and more
  • Features a built-in wallet for managing AERO and EGLD transactions
  • Allows for easy management of pilot and aircraft records
  • Create customizable flight packages to advertise on the Chartr mobile app


Good exposure for part 135 pilots or small airlines: By utilizing a decentralized protocol, part 135 pilots or small airlines might potentially get more business by being exposed to a larger audience. This is also beneficial for small pilot schools looking for students or students looking for training and hours.

  • Process invoices and receive payment in cryptocurrency for faster, cheaper, and more secure transactions
  • Use instant alerts and notifications to find local passengers and opportunities in your backyard.
  • Share a private flight with other parties to reduce the cost and make private aviation more accessible
  • Enjoy greater transparency and security due to the decentralized nature of the app, giving users more control over their own transactions and interactions on the platform

To learn more about contributing to the development of Chartr or how to gain access to DAO check out these resources:

BAAS Image

Aero Labs BaaS

As the first Aviation focused BaaS company (Blockchain as a Service), we allow businesses to easily take advantage of all the benefits that a fast secure blockchain can offer. Using Smart Contract technology users can seamlessly integrate the blockchain into their existing services and reduce friction throughout day-to-day operations.

Aerovek Aviation's B2B arm aims to address these challenges by providing private aviation companies with easy-to-use developer tools and resources that are tailored to their needs.

We offer payment gateways, invoicing, end-to-end ticketing, incident reporting, digital flight logs, and secure document storage and organization. Through the use of our APIs and SDKs businesses can streamline processes and reduce the need for human interaction with customers. We streamline ticketing and payments through a 100% peer-to-peer network all utilizing blockchain and smart contract technology.

Aero Labs uses the MultiversX (previously Elrond) Blockchain so you will enjoy extremely low transaction fees and the high speed of the network. Aero Labs does not charge a transaction fee but rather a request fee. Each new API Key is established with 100 request tokens at no cost to help kickstart your development.

The Aerovek tools are meant to free up resources for aviation businesses. Some Examples and tools offered through Aerovek SDKs, Smart Contracts, and APIs:

  • FBO messaging and organization
  • Digital ticketing system through NFT technology Automated Brokerage Services
  • Secure Documentation Organization Operational management and flight tracking Maintenance records and incident reporting NFT loyalty programs
  • Fiat on & off ramps
  • Itineraries, reservations & price quotes
  • End to End booking
  • Automated refunds and Exchanges
  • Data Analytics


DAO Image

DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organization

We believe in creating a trustless, 100% transparent, and verifiable network and community. This is why we have made the easy decision to create AeroDAO, the governing entity of the Aerovek ecosystem.

The governance body for Aerovek will be the AeroDAO and the governance token will be insured by the AERO token.

The Aero DAO is considered a true DAO meaning that every proposal and vote is 100% on-chain flowing through our custom-built smart contracts. The community will govern the Aerovek Project & EVERYONE will have a seat at the table and vote on how the project will expand. Our DAO doesn't have a weighted voting system meaning all votes and holders have the same weight meaning everyone has equal say in the decision-making.

Any AERO user can participate in voting on a proposal. We can also separate the DAO based on function, so aviation, marketing, partnership, development, financials, etc will not co-exist.

The smart contract functions as an immutable database, allowing for data to be stored on the blockchain so it can be verified by anyone at any time. Each proposal and vote is stored on the blockchain and tied to the user’s address to be able to confirm its legitimacy.


The Aerovek Pilot Ambassador Program (PAP) is an institution of like-minded individuals that are looking to expand the use and access to general aviation. The PAP is designed to bring pilots of all skill levels together to promote and exchange ideas to further develop and evolve the general aviation landscape. Aerovek’s mission is to make private aviation more accessible. One aspect of this mission is to see a peer-to-peer network of pilots cooperating with passengers through Aerovek in need of travel accommodations without the need to book through traditional airlines or booking agencies.

Founding Ambassadors are select individuals that provide leadership and initial development of the Aerovek Foundation Pilot Ambassador Program. The Founding Ambassadors shall be limited to an odd number of participants not exceeding 13 individuals. The Pilot Ambassadors shall be considered a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) where the voting schema is transparent and controlled by the organization members. Only Founding Ambassadors reserve the right to make DAO proposals. Founding Ambassadors will also manage the DAO.


AERO Token

The Aerovek Token (AERO) is our ESDT (Elrond Standard Digital Token), which shares the same qualities as EGLD. AERO facilitates the functioning of the Aerovek ecosystem. AERO holders will have governance over proposals and all future endeavors.

AERO token was successfully listed on Maiar Dex. doing it with no presale, or private sale because we value the idea of providing equal chances to all, rewarding the community, and having full transparency. It's the cornerstone of what builds a healthy community and favors the organic growth of the project.

The AERO token was created using MultiversX’s (previously Elrond) innovative ESDT token protocol, which is similar to Ethereum’s ERC-20 tokens but with some big upgrades. Because of the ESDT token properties, transactions can be sent in under 6 seconds with fees under 1 cent in most cases. This allows for the Chartr ecosystem to have its own native currency that can be sent securely, quickly, and virtually at no cost. Once a holder of the AERO token, users instantly have access to all of Aeroveks products and features like the Chartr App, AeroDAO, and Pilots Lounge. Other benefits of being a holder include access to Proteo Duel Asset staking farm and Frame IT's NFT marketplace.

AERO also enables travelers to book travel products, earn loyalty rewards, and receive discounts through the app. With AERO, users can redeem their rewards for flights, catering, and other goods and services, and private charter companies can build their own rewards programs and accept AERO for flights through our Blockchain as a service (BaaS) model.


Before our token was even listed, we implemented a dual reward mechanism for our Aerovek Staking Agency (Which has since been acquired by Helios Staking, which was another benefit for being an AERO holder since they received custom NFTs designed by Gnogen) so that for every EGLD you stake you not only receive EGLD rewards but also AERO rewards. This resulted in AERO tokens being distributed to over 1300 different wallet addresses.

To ensure decentralization we made sure that no big amounts of tokens fall into a few hands. This is why we decided against any private sale to venture capital investors but also against a private or public sale of the tokens. Even if that meant that we had to fund our current development from our own pocket.

We opted for a direct listing on the Maiar Exchange to make sure that any supporter of what we do has an equal opportunity to purchase the tokens.

Even with a direct listing mechanism, we cannot control who or how many people buy our token. This is why we went even further by setting the initial liquidity to only 5% of our total supply of 100 million which translates into 5 million tokens initial liquidity.

We also allocated more than 50% of all tokens to the DAO / Staking pool for the community to vote on how they should be distributed and when

The allocated pool for this program also includes the funds for a referral program for our users and the marketing allocation will be used to bring aviation businesses into the ecosystem, therefore, enhancing the token distribution between professionals and enthusiasts As you can see, our tokenomics structure is designed specifically to bring together businesses, professionals, and enthusiasts and allow them to interact in a decentralized manner, share equity, and align incentives for equal benefits.

AERO Wallet

The Aero wallet offers users the ability to track market prices and charts for AERO, EGLD & MEX. Incorporated NFTs so users can view, make them a profile pic with the click of a button, transfer, and see the rarity details for each NFT.

The wallet immediately connects to the Maiar app seamlessly and effortlessly. When creating an account on the Aerovek platform a user will create a Callsign, this will store your Aerovek username (Callsign) on the blockchain similar to a Maiar Herotag, and automatically store your public address on aerovek to unlock wallet functionality. A herotag is a better alternative for a long string of alphanumeric numbers and letter that are impossible to memorize. By using herotag (Callsign) technology users can then send any ESDT token or EGLD to you with just your Callsign which is a simple short username. You do not need to worry about your private wallet information is at risk as the MultiversX wallet connect functionality Aerovek uses does not release any private information, just your public address.

The Aero wallet is not a storage wallet, meaning we use Maiar Wallet connect to provide wallet functionality. All security, storage, and transaction signing are done inside Maiar and Aerovek will never store any personal wallet information.


The Aero Lounge is the nucleus of communication for aviation enthusiasts, students, and professionals. This is where the Aero community shares insightful and relevant information with the masses. The social network has all of the standard functions as such as views, likes, shares, sending, and commenting. The lounge will be fully integrated with all other aerovek products and is censorship-resistant. This gives a huge added Utility for the AERO token because users can tip one another for posting valuable content.

“I love popping into the lounge and reading the great posts in here. It's always really interesting and insightful. I strongly believe it's going to be a real feature of the Aerovek ecosystem that draws users in… “


The Aerovek team and community lives and breathes everything Web 3-related. Giving back to our community and giving them the opportunity to be part of something exclusive while owning a special token to represent the Aerovek brand as a whole is important to us. More so than that we wanted to give loyal members of the community additional utilities and chances to be a part of future Aerovek initiatives and opportunities. Therefore, we created the Aero Aviators Club, which will host a vast array of benefits.

Members will be part of an exclusive self-determined club and holders of at least one NFT from our collections will have access to real-life events, weekly dynamic royalty rewards, and whitelisting for future opportunities.

Aerovek Aviation is an ESDT project and for our NFT collections, we partner with NFT specialized teams, beneficiating from their expertise and increasing the exposure of the project to NFT-based communities and fans while we continue focusing our development resources on our core products.

Why MultiversX

Dare to believe what is possible with AERO & EGLD

MultiversX is a high-throughput, low latency layer one blockchain protocol that we believe harnesses the necessary power for Aerovek to reach critical mass. Both the MultiversX network and Aerovek Aviation align very similarly in values and goals. The MultiversX network’s capabilities outperform the competition:

  • Infinite Scalability - Adaptive state Sharding that allows 6 second latency
  • Near-instant Transaction Speed - +15,000 TPS with Negligible fees <$.01
  • Developer friendly - Smart contract capability
  • True decentralization- 3200 Validators, Secure Proof of stake.
  • Security - Randomly selected block proposer with zero downtime since launch.
  • NFT Innovation - NFT minting is effortless and instant at low-cost

MultiverX’s security, scalability, and smart contract capabilities allow developers on Aerovek to build next-generation technology that supercharges the aviation industry. With this technology Aerovek will be able to:

  • Onboard users easily and more efficiently by replacing the long alphanumeric wallet address with a handle - @name which on the Aerovek Platform is called a “callsign”.
  • Implement pilot, passenger, and user information as NFT such as an Aerovek pilot identification.
  • Pay and receive payments instantly at a negligible cost.
  • Increased brand awareness through the entire MultiverX ecosystem (>1 Million users) marketing known as Metabonding, the ultimate community bootstrapping product for Web3 startups.
  • The possibilities are truly endless with the combination of Aerovek’s creativity and MultiverX’s technology.