For info see the Delivery Pipeline Plugin - Wiki
Issue tracker for bugs, improvements and new features, please report any issues on component delivery-pipeline-plugin
Contributed by Diabol AB
mvn install
mvn hpi:run
mvn integration-test
mvn install
docker build -t dpp .
docker run -p 8080:8080 dpp
docker run -dt -p 8080:8080 diabol/delivery-pipeline-plugin:0.9.4
If you run on Mac and use boot2docker, enable port forwarding between your host and boot2docker VM:
VBoxManage controlvm boot2docker-vm natpf1 8080,tcp,,8080,,8080
Note: This requires the Build Pipeline plugin to be installed.
To be able to configure a certain job in the pipeline as a manual step, you have to configure the upstream job that triggers the job which is to be performed manually to be marked as a manual step.
In the Jenkins UI this shows up as a Post-Build Action: Build other projects (manual step), where you configure the name of the job to be manually triggered in the "Downstream Project Names".
If you're creating your jobs with JobDSL, use the following syntax in the publishers section (parameters is optional):
publishers {
buildPipelineTrigger('name-of-the-manually-triggered-job') {
parameters {
In your pipeline configuration, make sure to enable manual triggers. The manual triggers (a play button) will not be shown in the UI for aggregate pipelines, only for pipeline instances. If you want to access manual triggers from the UI, make sure to show at least one pipeline instance.
Here is an example of a corresponding JobDSL pipeline view configuration:
deliveryPipelineView("my-pipeline") {
description("Delivery pipeline with a manual trigger")
pipelines {
component("My pipeline", "the-name-of-the-first-job-in-the-pipeline")
For Jenkins Job Builder job configuration examples, see: demo.yaml
For JobDSL job configuration examples, see: demo.groovy