Luis's dotfiles

Warning: Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

PowerShell setup (Windows)

  • Nerd fonts - Powerline-patched fonts. I use Hack.
  • Scoop - A command-line installer
  • Oh My Posh - Prompt theme engine
  • Terminal Icons - Folder and file icons
  • PSReadLine - Cmdlets for customizing the editing environment, used for autocompletion
  • z - Directory jumper
  • PSFzf - Fuzzy finder

Arch linux setup

Create in the home directory a file named .xinittrc

cp /etc/X11/xinitxinitrc /home/{username}/.xinitrc

vim .xinitrc

Add these in the last lines, and delete end lines

nitrogen --restore &
picom &
exec awesome

Neovim setup

Requires Neovim (>= 0.8)