
Project stub for React project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Minimalistic project stub for React.JS with webpack as module system and stylus for styling.


  1. npm install
  2. ./gulp If you have *nix-system, or node_modules/.bin/gulp in other way.

##What's Inside: For build project just run gulp from root of the project. And happens some magic:

  1. All .js and .jsx would be packed with Webpack

  2. All .styl files would be built with Stylus.

  3. On port 9002 would be launched Connect static server.

  4. We would watched for every change in app folder with gulp watcher.

  5. And of course we would be notified node-notifier when every cycle of build would be completed .

And sweet bonus LiveReload with tiny-lr

###Enjoy your Hack!