Made With Love By Zaw Wanz

TryHackMe VPN Shortcut Maker


The TryHackMe VPN Shortcut Maker script automates the process of setting up a shortcut for the TryHackMe VPN connection on your system. It prompts the user to provide the path to the VPN configuration file and then installs the necessary files to create a shortcut for starting the VPN connection easily.


  • This script requires root privileges to execute. Make sure to run it with sudo.


  1. Download the thm and script from this repository.
  2. link:
  3. Make sure the script is executable by running:
    chmod +x *
  4. Run the script with sudo to install the VPN shortcut:
    sudo ./ -v <filepath>

5.Install new vpn file :

sudo ./ -n
  1. Enjoy


After successful installation, you can use the following command to start the TryHackMe VPN connection:

thm -s

To stop the VPN connection, use:

thm -S


  • Make sure to provide the correct path to your VPN configuration file when prompted.
  • The VPN configuration file will be moved to /opt/thmvpn.ovpn and the script will be moved to /usr/bin/thm for global access.
  • The script checks if the installation is successful and provides appropriate feedback.