
Photoshop JS script that generates a 2D array out of squares and adds a grid out of guides.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A hacked together photoshop script in javascript that generated a box and then creates and array from the box. It then adds guides based around the generated boxes. Use with the "guides to slices" tool to create a space for designing UI. Requires an unlocked open document with a canvas size larger then what the generated square will be.

Templater Workflow

Icon Templater Photoshop Script.jsx Asks user for a square space to design icons in and then duplicates the area with a user inputted amount of rows and columns. It then outlines the squares with guides.

Photoshop Actions

Templater Export Actions.atn Includes action for generating slices based on guides. Combine with Icon Templator Script.

By Andrew Johnson - Aetherpoint.com