
A simple PowerShell script to install the NVIDIA Control Panel as an UWP or a Win32 App!

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


A simple PowerShell script to install the NVIDIA Control Panel as an UWP or a Win32 App!


Use the following command to run the script:

irm "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aetopia/Install-NVCPL/main/Install-NVCPL.ps1" | iex

Build NVIDIA Control Panel Service Launcher

  1. Install GCC and UPX.
  2. Run build.bat.
  3. Now simply extract a NVIDIA Control Panel APPX package as a .zip archive.
  4. Replace nvcpluir.dll in Display.Driver\NVCPL within the extracted .zip file directory.
  5. Run nvcplui.exe as an Administrator to launch the NVIDIA Control Panel.