
Documentation Status

What is this Project

This repository contains a dialog system developed for the humanoid robot Roboy.

Does This Project Have Documentation

Yes, you can find them here.

How does the Dialog System Work

The basic NLP architecture is designed as a pipeline. An input device (derived from roboy.io.InputDevice) is producing text, which is passed to a variety of linguistic analyzers (derived from roboy.linguistics.sentenceanalysis.Analyzer). This currently consists of a Tokenizer and a POS tagger (both in roboy.linguistics.sentenceanalysis.SentenceAnalyzer) but could in the future be accompanied by named entity recognition, a syntactical and semantical analysis, an interpretation of the sentence type or other tools. The results of all these linguistics analyzers are collected together with the original text (roboy.linguistics.sentenceanalysis.Interpretation) and passed on to a state machine (states are derived from roboy.dialog.personality.states.State) within a personality class (derived from roboy.dialog.personality.Personality) that decides how to react to the utterance. In the future, the intentions (roboy.logic.Intention) determined by the state machine will then formulated into proper sentences or other actions (roboy.dialog.action.Action) by a module called Verbalizer. Currently, these actions are still directly created in the personality class. Finally, the created actions are sent to the corresponding output device (roboy.io.OutputDevice).

There are interfaces for each step in the processing pipeline to enable an easy exchange of elements. The goal would be to easily exchange personalities based on the occasion.

The implementation of the pipeline is in Java. Integrations with tools in other languages, like C++ RealSense stuff, should be wrapped in a module in the pipeline.



The quick guide for people who don't care about any of the technical mumbo jumbo. This is a local installation guide.

Set Environmental Variables. Only do this once.

sudo apt-get install maven openjdk-9-jdk git docker.io

sudo docker run --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data --volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs neo4j:3.0

git clone https://github.com/Roboy/roboy_dialog -b devel --recursive

cd roboy_dialog

mvn clean install

java -Xmx6g -d64 -cp dialog/target/roboy-dialog-system-2.1.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar roboy.dialog.DialogSystem


  • Apache Maven
  • Java 8 (Oracle is preferred)
  • Git
  • Neo4J
  • Working Internet Connection for downloading dependencies


  • Intellij
  • At least 8GB of RAM
  • Ubuntu (or variation) 16.04 LTS
    • Needed for ROS Kinetic
    • If you do not need ROS features, any version of Linux should do

Note that apt is bugged with Ubuntu 16.04. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream/+bug/1583845 if you get problems with apt-update.

Installing and Usage via Command Line


If you have not, install Neo4J. Neo4J must be running or else the tests will fail. The easiest way to start Neo4J is via docker.io. Simply run...

sudo docker run \
    --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs \

Clone the Dialog Manager repository

git clone https://github.com/Roboy/roboy_dialog -b master --recursive

Enter your project directory with cd roboy_dialog

Tip: If you wish to clone another branch, e.g. devel, just simply replace master with the branch's name.

If not done so already. Your .bashrc should look like:

    export ROS_MASTER_URI=""
    export ROS_HOSTNAME=""
    export NEO4J_ADDRESS="bolt://"
    export NEO4J_USERNAME="neo4j"
    export NEO4J_PASSWORD="neo4jpassword"
    export REDIS_URI="redis://localhost:6379/0"
    export REDIS_PASSWORD="root"


Clean, Compile, Test, Install and praise Maven. mvn clean install

To be done in the project root directory, this POM calls all other POMs.

Running the Conversation Manager

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="roboy.dialog.ConversationManager"


java -Xmx6g -d64 -cp dialog/target/roboy-dialog-system-2.1.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar \

Running NLU only

java -Xmx6g -d64 -cp \
    nlu/parser/target/roboy-parser-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \

Installing and Usage via an IDE

Clone the Dialog Manager repository either using your IDE's VCS Tools or using the command line. git clone https://github.com/Roboy/roboy_dialog

Attention:: Make sure the sub-modules are initialized.

  1. Import Dialog System as a Maven project into the IDE
  2. Download the Maven Dependencies
  3. Execute roboy.dialog.ConversationManager as the main class.

Do not forget to start Neo4J!


See the Troubleshooting Page


Environmental Variables

ROS Master References

Dialog is tied into the Roboy architecture as a ROS node. Therefore, make sure to set the following environment variables to meaningful values:

export ROS_HOSTNAME=local-hostname
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://rosmaster:11311

If no remote development instance of ROS master is available, just run roscore in a docker container.

Neo4J References

The dialog system's memory module uses Neo4j, a graph database which is stores relations between entities observed by roboy (names, hobbies, locations etc.). Therefore, make sure to set the following environment variables to meaningful values: bash export NEO4J_ADDRESS=bolt://my-neo4j-database:7687 export NEO4J_USERNAME=user export NEO4J_PASSWORD=pass

If no remote development instance of Neo4j is available, just run Neo4j in a docker container. For more options and additional information, refer to docs/Usage in the memory module.

Using the Google Word2Vec Model in NLU

For a more complete but also much more memory-intensive Word Vector model, the NLU module has the ability to parse the GoogleNews word vector collection, which can be retrieved from here.

In order to use it, store and extract it under resources_nlu/word2vec. Then just set WORD2VEC_GOOGLE: true in parser.properties.