A suite of tools to advise the king on Dominion gameplay.
Summon index.html in your interweb chariot to access your personal counsel, my liege.
Currently the rank data is a CSV download from Dominion Card Glicko. Scrape.py
then looks up each card on wiki.dominionstrategy.com and snags the html for the synergies and antisynergies sections. Scrape finishes by writing the data to cards.js
as a big JSON object.
A static site provides an easy lookup for the data during gameplay.
pip install requests
pip install requests-HTML
- filter out mentioned cards that aren't on the board
- map phrases to lists of cards
- add and secondary sort by cost in table
- chrome extension which loads page from current cards on dominion.games
- write tests and QA test bad input
- cron job to update every night
- host site on github pages