Lab Guide

This is a general guide about the lab value, culture and expectations that we can upadate and modify regularly.

Values and culture

  • Excellence: We aim at scientific excellence, regardless the specific research question we are trying to answer, we strive to maintain the highest level of scientific integrity, and continuously develop and learn new techniques and theories.

  • Open and collaborative practice: We aim at a science that is open and collaborative, we spend a significant amount of time helping each other and making our dataset and code available to the scientific community.

  • Inclusivity: We aim at fostering a team that is inclusive and to investigate mechanisms on inclusive and diverse samples and to promote inclusive communication. The lab should be a safe space in which every member belongs and thrives.

  • Interdisciplinary: we belive that in the investigation of psychological constructs such as affect, learning and mental health, interdisciplinarity is key. Interdisciplinarity allows to define and understand the objects of ours studies and to understand the implications that these can have on societies.

  • Work-life balance: We aim at promoting an healthy work-life balance. Our work hours are flexible, while taking appropriate breaks. We do not work when we are sick. We all have a life beyond the lab, which we should value and intentionally take time for, whether it’s hobbies, friends, family, sports, traveling or just alone time.


We support hybrid work, we work from Campus Biotech Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. We are flexible when it comes to when and where to work: as long as the team is properly informed, working remotely and at different times is welcome.

Lab meetings

We meet every Tuesday at 2 pm on Campus Biotech.


  • Expectations of PI: My commitment is to make our lab a supportive, safe and intellectually stimulating environment to conduct excellent science. Importantly, I am invested in your success—the ability to graduate and/or follow your desired career path either in or outside of academia. I will help guide your research project and give you feedback on your work to ensure our science is of the best quality possible. A two-way feedback culture is critical to a successful lab environment. Thus, any issues, even small things, should be dealt with swiftly. When you have any questions or concerns my door is always open.

  • Expectations of Graduate Students and Postdocs: We expect graduate students and postdocs to be the driving force behind their projects. We expect that you will be the expert on your project and your research field. Seek out research relevant to your work, and keep abreast of the latest tools and research in our field, even if it may not seem directly relevant to your work. Take advantage of the environment and opportunities that may arise and seek mentors both inside and outside of the lab. Graduate and postdoctoral trainees should support each other and collaborate with others inside or outside the lab on research projects. You are expected to be an "independent researcher", but independent does not mean alone. Independent means that you take ownership, gather knowledge, formulate ideas, and then bring all of that into dialogue with others who can help. It is never too early to start thinking about your career goals; –please discuss these with me.

  • Expectations of Master student: Master students are critical contributors to our research. We value the effort you put into the lab and reward it with training, experience, letters of recommendation, mentoring, and potentially authorship. You will generally work on projects led by others within the lab. However, you should strive, and we encourage you, to make intellectual contributions to the projects you work on. Master students are expected to participate to lab meeting and lab activities and to commit to a minimum number of hours over a set period of time; please discuss this with me. Please develop your weekly schedule by talking to your individual mentor.