
Version Control System Course

VCS-Course Lab01


This README file documents my first session in version control system, including the concepts, tools, and workflows that I was introduced to. It serves as a record of my learning journey and a reference for future sessions.


  • Version control system basics, including the difference between Git and other version control systems.
  • Git commands, including init, add, commit, status, log, and branch.
  • The Git workflow, including how to create and switch between branches, make changes, and merge changes back into the main branch.
  • GitHub, including how to create a repository, push changes to the repository, and collaborate with others.


Here are the steps that I took during the session:

  1. Installed Git on my local machine and created a new repository using the git init command.
  2. Created a new file in the repository and added it to the staging area using the git add command.
  3. Committed the changes to the repository using the git commit command, including a helpful commit message.
  4. Created a new repository on GitHub and pushed the changes from my local repository to the GitHub repository using the git push command.

During these steps, I encountered some issues, such as merge conflicts and errors when pushing to GitHub, but was able to resolve them with the help of my instructor Guidelines.


Overall, I found my first session in version control system to be very informative and useful. I learned a lot about the basics of Git and how to use it to manage my code and collaborate with others. I can see how version control system can save time and reduce errors in my work, and I look forward to using it in future projects.