
Live site: (https://calendar-client-one.vercel.app/)

Technologies Used

  • React Js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Redux
  • React Router DOM
  • Axios
  • React Hook Form
  • React Icons
  • UUID
  • AOS
  • Vercel

Project Overview

As the main features, there are calendar and functionalities with event. If you click on any of the dates it'll redirect you to that date's events. If there are no events recorded, you'll see a No events message. You can add as many events as you want by clicking the New event button. You'll see the latest added event right after you post it. Delete and edit functionality will work immediately too (without any reload needed). All data's are stored in browser's cookies, so even after reloading data will be there.

As additional features I fetched data from a third party api to show top 5 historical events that happened on present date. I also added a user guide for users to understand how to use the application. To enhance the UI, I used aos to give some animations in the website