
This is my first repository about C programming language

Primary LanguageC

Low-level programing & Algorithm

This is my first repository about C programming language enter image description here

  • In this repository there are exercises made in C programming language, where I practice all its components and concepts, this repository belongs to the foundations in the curriculum of Holberton School of the first trimester.
  • This project is requested by Holberton School.


The C programming language, developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1972 at Bell Laboratories, is a low-level language oriented to the implementation of operating systems (Unix), compilers and software development. It is useful, versatile, powerful and complex, so it can be used in any operating system or hardware. In a programming language related to the way machines work.


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To compile a file with the function is necessary to add all the .c files involved in the program (functions, main files, etc). Your code will be compiled this way:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o name_of_executable

To execute: ./name_of_executable

Files Description

file description
0x00-hello_world README.md, 0-preprocessor, 1-compiler, 2-assembler, 3-name, 4-puts.c, 5-printf.c, 6-size.c, 100-intel, 101-quote.c
0x01-variables_if_else_while README.md, 0-positive_or_negative.c, 1-last_digit.c, 2-print_alphabet.c, 3-print_alphabets.c, 4-print_alphabt.c, 5-print_numbers.c, 6-print_numberz.c, 7-print_tebahpla.c, 8-print_base16.c, 9-print_comb.c, 10-print_comb2.c, 100-print_comb3.c, 101-print_comb4.c, 102-print_comb5.c
0x02-functions_nested_loops README.md, 0-holberton.c, 100-main.c, 100-times_table.c, 101-natural.c, 102-fibonacci.c, 103-fibonacci.c, 104-fibonacci.c, 10-add.c, 10-main.c, 11-main.c, 11-print_to_98.c, 1-alphabet.c, 1-main.c, 2-main.c, 2-print_alphabet_x10.c, 3-islower.c, 3-main.c, 4-isalpha.c, 4-main.c, 5-main.c, 5-sign.c, 6-abs.c, 6-main.c, 7-main.c, 7-print_last_digit.c, 8-24_hours.c, 8-main.c, 9-main.c, 9-times_table.c, holberton.h, _putchar.c
0x03-debugging README.md, 0-main.c, 1-main.c, 2-largest_number.c, 3-convert_day.c, 3-main.c, 3-print_remaining_days.c, holberton.h
0x04-more_functions_nested_loops README.md, 0-isupper.c, 0-main.c, 100-prime_factor.c, 10-main.c, 10-print_triangle.c, 1-isdigit.c, 1-main.c, 2-main.c, 2-mul.c, 3-main.c, 3-print_numbers.c, 4-main.c, 4-print_most_numbers.c, 5-main.c, 5-more_numbers.c, 6-main.c, 6-print_line.c, 7-main.c, 7-print_diagonal.c, 8-main.c, 8-print_square.c, 9-fizz_buzz.c, holberton.h, _putchar.c
0x05-pointers_arrays_strings README.md, 0-main.c, 1-main.c, 2-main.c, 3-main.c, 4-main.c, 5-main.c, 6-main.c, 7-main.c, 8-main.c, 9-main.c, holberton.h, 0-reset_to_98.c, 1-swap.c, 2-strlen.c, 3-puts.c, 4-print_rev.c, 5-rev_string.c, 6-puts2.c, 7-puts_half.c, 8-print_array.c, 9-strcpy.c, _putchar.c
0x06-pointers_arrays_strings README.md, 0-strcat.c, 1-strncat.c, 2-strncpy.c, 3-strcmp.c, 4-rev_array.c, 5-string_toupper.c, 6-cap_string.c, 7-leet.c, 8-rot13.c, 100-print_number.c, 101-magic.c
0x07-pointers_arrays_strings README.md, 0-memset.c, 1-memcpy.c, 2-strchr.c, 3-strspn.c, 4-strpbrk.c, 5-strstr.c, 7-print_chessboard.c, 9-set_string.c, 101-crackme_password
0x08-recursion README.md, 0-puts_recursion.c, 1-print_rev_recursion.c, 2-strlen_recursion.c, 3-factorial.c, 4-pow_recursion.c, 5-sqrt_recursion.c, 6-is_prime_number.c, 7-is_palindrome.c
0x09-static_libraries README.md, create_static_lib.sh, holberton.h, libholberton.a
0x0A-argc_argv README.md, 0-whatsmyname.c, 1-args.c, 2-args.c, 3-mul.c, 4-add.c, holberton.h
0x0B-malloc_free README.md, 0-create_array.c, 1-strdup.c, 2-str_concat.c, 3-alloc_grid.c, 4-free_grid.c, 5-argstostr.c, holberton.h
0x0C-more_malloc_free README.md, 0-malloc_checked.c, 1-string_nconcat.c, 2-calloc.c, 3-array_range.c, holberton.h
