
This repository is all about learning IBM DB2.

About IBM DB2 Warehouse - *

About Catalog Views, first 2 bullets - *

Database Catalog - "The database catalog of a database instance consists of metadata in which definitions of database objects such as base tables, views (virtual tables), synonyms, value ranges, indexes, users, and user groups are stored." - *

Base table - "A base table is a physical structure that contains stored records. This structure can have any physical format as long as it can be presented to the user as a collection of rows and columns." - *

SYSCAT.TABLES catalog view - *

Connecting to a IBM DB2 Database on the IBM Cloud using connection strings via sql in a python interpreter (This setup was done from the JupyterLab environment, in the IBM Skills Network Labs platform):

#%sql ibm_db_sa://my-username:my-password@my-hostname:my-port/my-db-name
%sql ibm_db_sa://xxxxxx:xxxxx@dashdb-txn-sbox-yp-dal09-03.services.dal.bluemix.net:50000/BLUDB

Here's how you can obtain the connection string - From your IBM Cloud Dashboard, go to your IBM Db2 Service. Then go to Service Credentials and then expand a service credential view. You should see several entries. The connection string is in the entry uri:.

Playing with attributes of SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS - * (The initial part before the problems begin.)