Created To Be Unique
Deploy & Run Leon
Leon is currently not available for heroku deployment.
Found a bug/glitch in bot? Or want to feedback me? MAIL
Join official channel where you can find updates and information about Leon: @leon_wabot
⚠️ NOTE:
Your WhatsApp account may be banned by using Leon and other WhatsApp Bots. This is because of many reasons which violates their terms and conditions. But, Don't worry! I will try my best to unban your number. You can mail me @toxicdevil.abhinav@gmail.com.
You got an error? If your error code is:
- You are not using the official repository, use the official one.401
- You haven't provided authentication id to authenticate.406
- You have provided an invalid authentication id. Please recheck your AUTH_ID.503
- An internal error occurred while authenticating: REPORT
If you find following emoji in your logs, the message along with indicates:
[ 🔵 ]
- Its Normal. This conveys you something.[ 🟡 ]
- Its Processing. This conveys you something is on pending or processing.[ 🟠 ]
- Its Warning. This warns you something.[ 🔴 ]
- Its Error/Failed. This gives you an error or failure message.[ 🟢 ]
- Its Done/Success. This conveys something is done after processing or success.
If you didn't find any of the following emoji in your logs, then its a fatal error.
Not solved? Open an issue
🙏 Thank You:
For users
And all supporters