
Easy and ready-to-use script to download bird sound files and jsons from www.xeno-canto.org based on search terms.

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Script for downloading bird sound files from www.xeno-canto.org based on search terms.


Use python to execute a program with selected search terms. Remember to change the dirctory to the folder containing xcdl.py file, so it can be executed.

python xcdl.py searchTerm1 searchTerm2 ... searchTermN


Downloading sounds under one or many search terms (i.e. one bird type)

python xcdl.py apus apus

You can also try filtering your results. For example to search for a bird "apus apus" but only in Poland and with quality of recordings and B type this. For more advance search terms check xeno-canto search tips website.

python xcdl.py apus apus cnt:poland q>:C

downloading with multiple search term (i.e. download dataset of polish bird sounds - Women in Machine Learning Project - Bird sound recognition)

python xcdl.py 	Dendrocopos major	&
python xcdl.py 	Chloris chloris	&
python xcdl.py 	Corvus frugilegus	&
python xcdl.py 	Coccothraustes coccothraustes	&
python xcdl.py 	Columba palumbus	&
python xcdl.py 	Delichon urbicum	&
python xcdl.py 	Apus apus	&
python xcdl.py 	Sitta europaea	&
python xcdl.py 	Corvus monedula	&
python xcdl.py 	Phoenicurus ochruros	&
python xcdl.py 	Turdus merula	&
python xcdl.py 	Turdus pilaris	&
python xcdl.py 	Passer montanus	&
python xcdl.py 	Phylloscopus trochilus	&
python xcdl.py 	Phylloscopus collybita	&
python xcdl.py 	Phoenicurus phoenicurus	&
python xcdl.py 	Motacilla alba	&
python xcdl.py 	Erithacus rubecula	&
python xcdl.py 	Streptopelia decaocto	&
python xcdl.py 	Parus major	&
python xcdl.py 	Parus caeruleus	&
python xcdl.py 	Alauda arvensis	&
python xcdl.py 	Luscinia luscinia	&
python xcdl.py 	Garrulus glandarius	&
python xcdl.py 	Turdus philomelos	&
python xcdl.py 	Pica pica	&
python xcdl.py 	Troglodytes troglodytes	&
python xcdl.py 	Carduelis carduelis	&
python xcdl.py 	Sturnus vulgaris	&
python xcdl.py 	Emberiza citrinella	&
python xcdl.py 	Passer domesticus	&
python xcdl.py 	Corvus corone	&
python xcdl.py 	Fringilla coelebs	

Reading json file:

To read the data from all json files found under the searchTerms use readData((searchTerm, pathToJsonCatalogue) function

for example

soundTypes = readData("type", path)
spicies = readData("sp",path)

Example json file

 "id": "489414",
 "gen": "Apus",
 "sp": "apus",
 "ssp": "",
 "en": "Common Swift",
 "rec": "Daniel Noesgaard",
 "cnt": "Denmark",
 "loc": "K\u00f8benhavn, Copenhagen Municipality, Capital Region of Denmark",
 "lat": "55.6852",
 "lng": "12.5651",
 "type": "call",
 "file": "//www.xeno-canto.org/489414/download",
 "lic": "//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/",
 "url": "https://www.xeno-canto.org/489414",
 "q": "no score",
 "time": "21:30",
 "date": "2019-07-29"