
Referee program to play games between AIs for the Tron game on Codingame

Primary LanguageC++


Referee program to play games between AIs for the Tron game on Codingame. Linux only.


  • Compile the Arena program
  • Compile two of your AIs
  • Run the Arena program with the names of the AI binaries as command line parameters. e.g: Arena V13 V12


  • Change constexpr int N{2} to any number for 1v2/1v3 games. The Arena will then pit the first AI against N-1 copies of the second.
  • Specify the number of threads as a command line parameter. e.g: Arena V13 V12 2
  • Adjust fairness of the spawns via the "constexpr double asymetry_limit" variable. 0.50 corresponds to random spawns and 0.01 corresponds to, at worst, starting with 49% of the map according to a basic Voronoi evaluation
  • Set timeout behavior on or off via the "constexpr bool Timeout" variable. This can be useful as I've noticed timeouts if the computer is being used for something else.