
Toolkit for Op.GG data mining, including crawling pages. The project have educational propose: You might be better of using Riot API than reusing data from aggregator websites like Op.GG.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Op.GG data miner toolkit

Toolkit for Op.GG data mining, including crawling pages. The project have educational propose: You might be better of using Riot API than reusing data from aggregator websites like Op.GG.


  1. Install Node (LTS should be fine). Make sure they are accessible via PATH environment variable.
  2. Clone the repository, then navigate with command prompt to the project root directory.
  3. Use npm install to install dependencies.
  4. Run it (multiple options):
    1. You can use npm run cli:ts to run it as Typescript (ts-node mode), passing params should look like: npm run cli:ts --- --help.
    2. You can compile it (to JavaScript) by running npm run build once, then you can use npm run cli:js in similar fashion as above.
  5. (Optional) Use npm link (with admin privileges) to make the tool available as opgg --help.


# To collect games for certain user, outputs `games.json`
opgg history euw Azzapp

# To collect data for all users (infinite process), see `cache` folder; stop with Ctrl+C
opgg spider euw Azzapp
# and to continue after crash/stopping
opgg spider continue


  • Fix wiki scrapper:
    • Shen & Kennen names are bugged/empty
    • Nunu is named differently in OpGG static data
  • progress bars
  • handle URLs
    • regex: /(?:(\w+)\.)?op\.gg\/summoners?\/(?:(\w+)\/)?(?:userName=)?([^?#\/\s]*)/i handles well:
      • op.gg/summoners/euw/Azzapp
      • https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Azzapp
      • https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=AgainPsychoX
      • https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Azzapp/matches/ewOhykeZdeeskvBSovvxqie5BuF8-a1Z515jCKtAw2I%3D/1686681922000
  • distribute work over multiple proxies to avoid 429 Too Many Requests
  • ...