API of portal for criation and dissemination of Sporting Events
- Login
- Register/Update/Remove/List User
- Register/Update/Remove/List event
- Link one or more users to an event
- GET - /auth
- POST - /api/user/save
- PUT - /api/user/update/{id}
- GET - /api/user/list
- GET - /api/user/find/{id}
- DELETE - /api/user/remove/{id}
- POST - /api/event/save
- PUT - /api/event/update/{id}
- GET - /api/event/list
- GET - /api/event/find/{id}
- DELETE - /api/event/remove/{id}
- POST - /api/event/link/user/{userId}
- Java - 8
- Spring Boot 2.6.3
- Lombok - 1.18.22
- ModelMapper 2.4.5
- Hibernate 5.6.5
- Maven - 3.3.9
- Swagger v3
- PostgreSQL- 14.2
- PgAdmin 4
- Log4j
To run it, follow the steps below.
- Install Java 8 on the machine;
- Install lombok on the IDE of choice, you can follow these steps: Lombok installation;
- Import the project as "maven project" in the IDE of choice;
- Click on the project and select the option to update dependencies;
- Install the PostgreSQL or download an image in docker (version 14.2);
- Install PgAdmin 4;
- Create a database called 'EVENT_PORTAL';
- You can choose to run the script with the database's DDL in the script folder or uncomment the "spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop" configuration present in src/main/resources/application.properties.
- Run as "Java Aplication"
- Create a user
- Authenticate the user
- Create an event
- Link one or more users to event
To run the tests, just access the test files in the package "src/test/java/" and run with "JUnit Test".
To access the api documentation, just run the project and access '/portal-docs/swagger-ui/index.html'.
File where logs will be saved "/Logs/portal-sports-event.log".