
Maintenance application for a fictional theme parc

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Theme parc - Management app two in one

This project is about a fictional Theme Parc.
It is made up of two applications:

  • Maintenance web app: a maintenance web app that allows to open, edit, and close incidents on attractions
  • Reservation API: An API to handle reservation for attractions slots, according to incidents/closed attraction, and remaining tickets available


MCD from Mocodo

réserve, 0N ATTRACTION, 0N VISITEUR: nombre de places, horaire de réservation
ATTRACTION: nom public, capacité, heure d'ouverture, heure de fermeture, durée
impacte, 11 INCIDENT, 0N ATTRACTION : date et heure de constat

VISITEUR: numéro de billet, texte de billet, date de début de validité, date de fin de validité
INCIDENT: numéro d'incident, nature, technicien assigné, date de debut d'incident, date de résolution



ATTRACTION (id, name, capacity, open_hour, close_hour, duration)
INCIDENT (id, nature, technician, end_date, #attraction(id))
VISITOR (id, ticket, start_date, end_date)
ATTRACTION_HAS_VISITOR (id, number_places, reservation_hour, #attraction_id(attraction.id), #visitor_id(visitor.id))

DB migrations management

To initialize, and migrate the database, we use Sqitch (version control management for databases)

Maintenance web app

The maintenance side of the Theme Parc project is a simple monolithic application using a NodeJS / Express server, and PUG as view engine.

Endpoints for maintenance

Endpoint HTTP verb API
/ GET Get homepage with a list of all incidents (opened / closed)
/incident/new GET Get the page with a form to open a new incident
/incident/new POST Open a new incident with data from the form
/incident/:id GET Get the detail of one incident
/incident/:id/edit GET Get the page with a form to edit (and eventually close or re-open) an incident
/incident/:id:/edit POST Edit an incident (and eventually close or re-open it)

Reservation API app

The reservation side of the Theme Parc project is an API (no front).
Its purpose is to allow visitors who have a valid ticket to book until four places for events.

The SQL for this application is quite advanced and tricky. We had to set up views, add constraints, manipulate timestamp, and write SQL functions to calculate event slots regarding opening time of events, opened incidents on events, remaining number of available places of an event slot...

Endpoints for reservation

Endpoint HTTP verb API
/api/events GET Get all opened events (attractions / shows), that means all events without opened incident
/api/:ticket/init GET Get one ticket by its name
/api/:id/bookings GET Get all the booked events to come for a visitor, by ticket ID
/api/:ticket/book POST Books an event for a visitor, for the next available slot. A visitor can book until 3 events, and he can book until 4 places for the event. The given slot is the next event slot which has enough free places regarding the number of places asked by the visitor.
Once the booked event date is over, the booking remains in the database, but is not taken into account in the 3 possible bookings of the visitor.

SQL: Views & functions

To handle the complexe booking feature of this API, we had to set up advanced views and SQL functions.

For example, this code (migrations > deploy > opened_attractions_view.sql) creates a view using a SQL function to add a boolean column to the attraction table which is true if the attraction is open, false if it is closed.

-- Deploy oparc:opened_attractions_view to pg

    -- Est-ce que l'attraction est en mainteance ?
    -- paramètres : le timestamp, et l'id de l'attraction
   CREATE FUNCTION isItNotUnderMaintenance(timestamptz, int) RETURNS boolean AS $$
    --Regarde si un incident non cloturé existe sur l'id
	    WHEN NOT EXISTS (SELECT end_date FROM incident
        attraction_id = $2
        AND start_date < $1
    ) THEN TRUE --sinon retourne faux
    WHEN (SELECT end_date FROM incident
        attraction_id = $2
        AND start_date < $1
    ) IS NULL THEN FALSE --sinon retourne faux
  END FROM attraction WHERE id = $2;

-- Est-ce que l'attraction est ouverte ?
-- 2 paramètres :  le timestamp, et l'id de l'attraction
CREATE FUNCTION isItOpen(timestamptz, int) RETURNS boolean AS $$
        -- si dans l'intervale d'ouverture alors regarde si il y a un incident en cours ou non grâce à l'appel de la function isUnderMaint
        WHEN $1 :: timetz
                id = $2
                id = $2
THEN isItNotUnderMaintenance
($1, $2) --sinon retourne faux
        ELSE FALSE
    id = $2;


CREATE VIEW opened_attraction
            isItOpen(current_timestamp, attraction.id)


Some tips

Two-in-one app

Because this is a "two-in-one" project, there is one repository (one project to clone), one database (one sqitch to deploy), but two different applications. Each application has its own dependencies, and has to have its own server running to work.
Once the project is cloned, you have to install the dependencies (npm i), create the .env file... for each application.
And of course, you have to specify different ports for each app.

Third Normal Form

The Third Normal form (3NF) is a database schema design approach for relational databases which uses normalizing principles to reduce the duplication of data, avoid data anomalies, ensure referential integrity, and simplify data management.
A database relation is said to meet third normal form standards if all the attributes are functionally dependent on solely the primary key.

PUG tips

Because the PUG files are not watched by node-dev or nodemon because they are not .js files, the server restarting does not work when we save them. To force the server restarting, simply ctrl+S in a .js file, even if nothing has changed in it.