Find the nearest people, within a configurable radius, to help you with your emergency. Those nearby will receive an SMS and reply with a text message if they can help you, which will then initiate an anonymized phone call between the helper ("good samaritan") and the person needing help. Future extension(s): Add audio and/or video conferencing (possibly with SkypeKit, which is in limited beta). This could evolve into a system that meets the FCC's requirements for an enhanced 911 system. Note that similar apps have been built:, Fire Dept, Guardian Watch ( Built with: PhoneGap 1.0.0 latest XCode 4.2 with iOS 5 SDK Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Before compiling, rename UrbanAirship.plist.example to UrbanAirship.plist and fill in with your app's info