Restoration Function

Felipe Sodré Mendes Barros
Renato Crouzeilles
Julia Niemeyer

Function in development in R to simulate restoration in different properties maximizing or minimizing different themes (e.g.: opportunity cost).

1. preAnalysis function

Function developed to estimate amout of forest debt/credit in each property analysed, according to Brazilian Native Vegetation Law 12.651/12.

> source("restoration.function.R")
> args(preAnalysis)
function (forest_t = forest_t, 
appt = appt, 
car = carList[[4]],
restYears = 10)

preAnalysis input:

  • forest_t = Actual forest remnants (raster layer: 1 = forest; 0 = non forest; NA = non forest and non restorable sites [e.g.: Urban Areas] & areas outside the site of study);
  • appt = Area of Riparian Protection (Área de Proteção Permanente, in portuguese) (raster layer: 1 = Riparian areas; 0 = non riparian areas; NA = areas outside the site of study);
  • car = Rural Environmental Registry (Cadastro Ambiental Rural - CAR, in portuguese) (vector layer with property limits, with "ID" and "Car_modulo_fiscal" fields)
  • restYears = Number of years to be simulated in the analysis. This will change the amount to be restored yearly

preAnalysis output:

Data frame:

  • car.area: Area of property
  • Area of forest remnant
  • app.area: Area of APP
  • Debit of APP (i.e.: Amount of pixels to be restored)
  • rl.area: Area of Legal Reserve inside the property (discounting APP)
  • debt.rl: Debit of Legal Reserve (in case of)
  • credit.rl: Credit of Legal Reserve (in case of)
  • TotalToRestore: Total amount to be restored (in pixels)
  • ToRest2years: Total to be restored (in pixels) considering 20 years of restoration and that the restoration will be done according to parameter restYears.
  • Car.ID: Property ID
  • Modu_Fisc: Property modulo fiscal
  • obs: Observation about property: wether it is all forested, unforested, not_analized, ...

 X   Car_ID   Car_modulo_fiscal   car.area   app.area 
--- -------- ------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
 1     34            50             683        240        25         16    

 2     42            89             1212       546        49         15    

 3     43            75             1020       177       144        113    

 4     49            68             931        269        27         26    

 5     76             9             122        58         0          0     

 6     79            27             374        224        0          0     

Table: Table continues below

          obs            rl.area   debt.rl   credit.rl   TotalToRestore 
----------------------- --------- --------- ----------- ----------------
Property with RL credit   111.6       0        119.4           16       

Property with RL credit   193.4       0        318.6           15       

Property with RL credit    60         0         86            113       

Property with RL credit   159.2       0        108.8           26       

Property with RL credit   24.4        0        33.6            0        

Property with RL credit   74.8        0        149.2           0        

Table: Table continues below







2. run.conefor function

Function developed to run the conefor analysis after each year of restoration;

> args(run.conefor)
function (dispersal.dist = c(100, 1000, 5000), 
nodes = "nodes_, 
dists = "dists_", 
landArea = 1e+05, 
outFolder = ".", 
windows = FALSE, 
conefor.exe = "/home/felipe/Projetos/CONEFOR/conefor2.7.3Linux", 
mean.dispersal = 0.5, metric = c("-IIC", "-PC")[2],
AddNodes = FALSE) 

run.conefor input:

  • dispersal.dist = Dispersan ditances to be used in the connectivity simulation;
  • nodes = List of files with nodes ID and patch parameter (area) (tow columns data: ID, Parameter);
  • dists = List of files with distances between nodes (tree columns data: ID origin, ID destiny, Distance);
  • landArea = Landscape area;
  • outFolder = Folder name where the result will be saved in;
  • windows = TRUE/FALSE indicating if using windows O.S. (Not working now);
  • conefor.exe = Path to conefor executable;
  • mean.dispersal = Mean dispersal capacity;
  • AddNodes = TRUE/FALSE indicates when conefor should estimates its index based on nodes added (see coneforPrep function for more infos);

run.conefor output:

Overall_indices table
     V1         V2    
------------ ---------
   IICnum    6.562e+16

  EC(IIC)    256156000

    IIC       0.5605  

IICintra(%)    96.88  

IICdirect(%)   2.198  

 IICstep(%)   0.9259  
results_all_EC(IIC) or results_all_EC(PC)
    Prefix      Distance   EC.IIC. 
-------------- ---------- ---------
10__run_1.txt      10     252122000

10__run_10.txt     10     252123000

10__run_2.txt      10     252122000

10__run_3.txt      10     252122000

10__run_4.txt      10     252122000

10__run_5.txt      10     252123000

     V1        V2       V3          V4    
------------- ---- ------------ ----------
10__run_1.txt  10     IICnum    6.357e+16 

10__run_1.txt  10    EC(IIC)    252122000 

10__run_1.txt  10      IIC        0.543   

10__run_1.txt  10  IICintra(%)     100    

10__run_1.txt  10  IICdirect(%)     0     

10__run_1.txt  10   IICstep(%)  -2.853e-09

3. restore function

Function used to alocate the amout of area to be restored.

> args(restore)
function (sorted = sorted, carRestCost = carRestCost, totalcost = totalcost, s.value = ToRest2years[a, ]) 

restore input:

  • sorted = The pixels sorted in the function, according to the amount necesssary to be restored;
  • carRestCost = raster created in the script with opportunity cost (or any other theme) in the area to be restored;
  • totalCost = Raster datainput necessary to run the function. This layer must contain the opportunity cost (or any other theme) for each pixel;
  • s.value = Amount to be restored (sampled) by function;

restore output:

  • restoration = Raster data with the forest remnant input plus pixels restored with the simulation;
  • RestSampled = Raster data with only the pixels restored with the simulation;
  • TotalRestCost = Sum of pixels values sampled in the simulation process (the information of this values can change according to the theme used in the simulation. e.g.: opportunity cost);

change.dir function

Small function to manage output files and directories. In from argument must be inserted path where the files will be change from whereas to should be the path to the folder where the files must be changed to.

> args(change.dir)
function (from, to) 

coneforPrep function

Function to create the nodes and distances files before running conefor (run.conefor()). This function extract from a raster file the reamnants (nodes) ID and area saving them as nodes_*.txt, and estimates the distances between them, which will be saved as dists_*.txt;

> args(coneforPrep)
function (forest = forest_t, AddNodes = FALSE, onlyAdded = TRUE, 
    i = 1)

coneforPrep input:

  • forest = The spatial raster file with remants (values = 1);
  • AddNodes = Logical - This function can be used to identify nodes to be added. If this is the case, set as TRUE (default = FALSE);
  • onlyAdded = Logical - Indicates whther or not actual forest (with values 1) must have its importances calculated togheter with non forest (nodes added). If TRUE, forest pixels will have -1 values which won't be analysed on run.conefor(AddNodes = TRUE);
  • i = Integer - As the function can be called inside restoration iteraction, the index i will be used to diferenciate the iteraction number in the file names;

coneforPrep output:

  • nodes_ = Files containing remants ID and Area. In case of AddNodes = TRUE, a third column will indicate 1 = existing remnants and 0 = potential remnants;
  • dists_ = Files containing distances between all nodes. First column origin ID, second column destiny ID third column distance;

readImportance function

Function created to read all node importance created with run.conefor (Addnodes=TRUE) for one or several dispersal distances and produce spatial raster with node importance as pixel value.

> args(readImportance)
function (rasterTemplate = forest_t, nodes = readOGR("/home/felipe/Projetos/Funcao_Restauracao/", 
    layer = "forest_pol_AddNodes_run_1"), dispersal.dist = c(100, 
    1000, 5000), Indice = c("dIIC", "dPC")[1])

readImportance input

  • rasterTemplate = Raster data to be used as a template in the creation of node importance raster (extent, resolution, CRS);
  • nodes = Shape file created with run.conefor(Addnodes="TRUE") which will recieve the importance estimated and will be rasterized;
  • dispersal.dist = Dispersal distances used to estimate the nodes importante in run.conefor function;
  • Indice = Indice used to estimate nodes importances in run.conefor function;

readImportance output

  • PC_importance_ = Raster with nodes importance for each pixel, indicating the dispersal distance in the name (sufix);