
Ubuntu box for Python2 development

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Vagrant environment for testing/learning about Python and the Fujtisu K5 IaaS API when you are handicapped by having a Windows machine. ;0)

K5 guides and documentation can be found here.

Note: K5 portal is IE only as at 20/01/2017.

The Vagrant script will spin up a CentOS 7 gui machine and install Python 2.7, Robot Framework WebDemo and all the dependencies needed to develop in Python to drive the Fujitsu K5 IaaS APIs:

NOTE: This is not the way to write an Ansible Playbook. It is just a quick and dirty script to get up and running quickly.


Vagrant up

  • Wait for provisioning to complete
  • Use GUI to login - vagrant/vagrant
  • Open a terminal window


  • vagrant ssh python

Your development project should be placed in ~vagrant/shared/dev. This will share access to the code base from your favourite windows IDE or use/install tools on the VM (Atom editor).

Robotframework web demo is also included (as a hangover from a previous box).

cd webdemo
python demoapp/server.py &
robot login-tests/

NOTE: Tests can be disrupted by Firefox setup dialogues, which can happen after an update/install. NOTE: Running a gui in a vm is not a good idea. May need to increase the wait time and/or memory allocated to the VM for the vm to enable the browser to respond in time for the framework.

${DELAY}          0 in login_tests/resource.robot


  • Virtual Box
  • Cygwin
  • Vagrant (1.8.5)
  • Vagrant plugin vagrant-vbguest

The Vagrantfile will spin up the VMs and install Ansible, ssh-keys etc. Ansible will the provision the VM. The ansible script can be found in the shared directory.

K5 API development

This box was created to take advantage of the great work carried out by Nick Cross over at mohclips (20/01/2017). Be sure to recusively clone the repository into shared/dev

git clone --recursive https://github.com/mohclips/k5-ansible-infra.git


K5 API python (pip) development dependencies:

  • requests
  • cryptography
  • shade

Linux dependencies:

  • python-devel
  • python-crypto
  • libffi-devel
  • python-netifaces
  • openssl-devel

Create your own openrc credentials file and run

. openrc

See mohclips for further details.

K5 API Ansible

get repo from mohclips (as described above).

cd k5-ansible-infra
. openrc
ansible-paybook provision_infra.yml
