
[Legacy] Flexible Java Embedded Systems Application

Primary LanguageJava


EmbedSys is a flexible Java application template which is designed for embedded systems


Clone the files and open up the EmbededSystem.java file and configurate these variables so that they fit to your embedded system.

private final String CompanyName = "Agesoft Systems"; // (c) 2022 <CompanyName>

private final Color startupBackColor = Color.decode("#153e73");

private final Color statusForeColor = Color.decode("#cfcd4e");
private final String statusFont = "Verdana";
private final int statusFontSize = 50;

Go to the StartUp() method and add your own code for the start up of your embedded system:

private Jframe mainFrame = new Jframe();

private void StartUp(){
        // Creates the startup frame.

        try {

            // Add your own functions / code here:
            // Example: Some calculation before the app finished booting!
            int i = 69;
            if(i != 420){
                i += 420;
            } else {

        } catch (Exception e){

            // replace null with your main frame!
        } else {

Then Start it:

public static void main(String[] args) {
        EmbededSystem system = new EmbededSystem();

For Machine Administrators


This application is designed to be used without a keyboard that's why we recomend to avoid running this software in a machine with a keyword because we only could disable alt + f4!


Incase of a crash or reboot of the firmware we recomend you to put the Java application into the Autorun so that nobody can mess around the machine (Additionally Security Recomended)

Did you found a bug?

Please open a issue and provide the bug so we can quickly fix it as possible, especially on embedded softwares is the security very important

Agesoft is not responsible for any harm, the machine administrator or company is responsible for any harm.