
Metrics for Projects based on their CodeClimate stats

Primary LanguageRuby

Code Climate Project Metrics

Defines scalar and image for CodeClimate Project Metrics

 # Gemfile

 gem 'project_metric_code_climate', git: 'https://github.com/AgileVentures/project_metric_code_climate'
 gem 'project_metrics', git: 'https://github.com/AgileVentures/ProjectMetrics/'
# main.rb

require 'project_metrics'
ProjectMetrics.configure do 
  add_metric :project_metric_code_climate

ProjectMetrics.metric_names # => ["project_metric_code_climate"]


sample_point = ProjectMetrics.class_for('code_climate').new url: 'http://github.com/AgileVentures/WebsiteOne'
#<ProjectMetricCodeClimate:0x007fd2428700c0 @identifier="github/AgileVentures/WebsiteOne", @raw_data=nil>

sample_point.score # => 3.5

sample_point.image # => "https://codeclimate.com/github/AgileVentures/WebsiteOne/badges/gpa.svg"

Here we have some preexisting raw data in raw_data that would be used to compute a gpa of 3.2:

sample_point.raw_data = raw_data

sample_point.score # =>  3.2

Then we refresh, calling out to the network

sample_point.refresh # => true

And we're back to live data of 3.5

sample_point.score # => 3.5

Required Configuration Variable

  • url: URL of the GitHub repository.


  • make sure that image uses raw_data
  • could refactor code to memo-ize raw_data reader
  • handling network errors - just let them propogate up?