
This program allows you to perform a variety of operations on matrices including addition, multiplication, finding the determinant, and dealing with inverse matrices.

Primary LanguagePython

Numeric Matrix Processor

This program allows you to perform a variety of operations on matrices including addition, multiplication, finding the determinant, and dealing with inverse matrices.

The program supports:

  • addition
  • multiplication by number
  • matrix by matrix multiplication
  • transposition along the main diagonal
  • transposition along the side diagonal
  • transposition along the vertical line
  • transposition along the horizontal line
  • finding the determinant
  • finding the inverse of a matrix

Get started!

  • download the repository
  • run the program in the command-line
NumericMatrixProcessor > python main.py

The program executes the below steps:

  • Prints a menu consisting of 4 options.
  • Reads the user's choice.
  • Reads all data (matrices, constants) needed to perform the chosen operation.
  • Calculates the result and outputs it.
  • Repeats all these steps.

Sample usage:

1. Add matrices
2. Multiply matrix by a constant
3. Multiply matrices
4. Transpose matrix
5. Calculate a determinant
6. Inverse matrix
0. Exit
Your choice: > 2
Enter size of matrix: > 2 2
Enter matrix:
> 1.5 7.0
> 6.0 5.0
Enter constant: > 0.5
The result is:
0.75 3.5
3.0 2.5
1. Add matrices
2. Multiply matrix by a constant
3. Multiply matrices
4. Transpose matrix
5. Calculate a determinant
6. Inverse matrix
0. Exit
Your choice: 4
1. Main diagonal
2. Side diagonal
3. Vertical line
4. Horizontal line
Your choice: 2
Enter size of matrix: 3 3
Enter matrix:
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
The result is:
   4     3     2 
   3     2     1 
   3     2     1