


In order to solve the problem of the ugly UI of traditional debate games and the fragmentation of various systems, this system is specially developed. The complete system includes:

  • Customizable match timer
  • Schedule, judges and debaters
  • Mini program for viewing schedules and submitting paperless scores
  • Real-time point-to-point feedback on individual performance after the game
  • Video conferencing section of remote adjudication

System List

Detailed introduction

  • In the current debate, there have been five major problems for a long time, as shown in the figure:

Five major issues

  • First of all, the unsightly problem of the timer, the traditional timer is shown in the figure:

Traditional Timer

  • Therefore, I asked my friend Mi Yu Xi Mi to design a timer page for me. The timer is shown in the figure:

Timer display

In addition to the timer, the schedule display has always been a problem. In traditional events, the schedule display is usually presented in the form of sending a pdf. In order to allow participants and observers to see the schedule more intuitively, it is set in a small program This page. Schedule display

At the same time, in response to the paperless trend, I also designed a referee system for paperless submission of scores. Another advantage is that it avoids the manual calculation of scores and prevents the occurrence of human error + waiting for calculation of scores. Mini Program Referee Entrance

Referee interface

Score real-time postback

The personal defense improvement system is another highlight of this system. In traditional competitions, the debater's own performance can only be measured by winning or losing. It is difficult to quantify a standard, which will often slow down the improvement of the individual. Therefore, the scores of the judges on the cloud are used to implement the scores of each debater to each debater. Personal defense improvement system

In addition to the parts shown above, the system also has a complete data entry (referring to event information entry), debater information and referee information entry system. Not much to show here.

Project Members

puluter: Yu Zhuohao is a freshman in Computer Department of Chongqing University. Made all the program code writing, page design outside the timer.

Mi Yuxi: Timer page design.

Libraries & development technologies used

  • Mini Program: Taro
  • Web: Material Pro (style), PHP

Open source link
