- 0
Vite Build Failing
#55 opened by ehubbell - 0
proxy setup please
#54 opened by saadmohmed - 4
- 0
Add beauty effect option
#53 opened by soorajpandey - 0
index.js:1 ./src/App.tsx Line 0: Parsing error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
#52 opened by MoMoWongHK - 9
Video track accessed by multiple <AgoraVideoPlayer /> components: ` track.stop()` / `track.close()` does not turn off camera light
#43 opened by sunweiyang - 0
Draw on AgoraVideoPlayer to find face
#51 opened by TienLort - 1
Need an example how to emplement Screen Sharing
#39 opened by muhamedoufi - 1
- 2
I want to add controls attribute to the video element of the AgoraVideoPlayer component.
#49 opened by RYOTA-KOBA - 13
- 1
- 0
How to mute unmute other remote users?
#48 opened by simran-codingcafe - 0
Enable and disable speaker
#46 opened by vamsimudadla - 0
Error while deploying on vercel
#45 opened by soybeins - 3
createCustomVideoTrack difficult to use
#15 opened by keepersmith - 2
Camera disabling on Component Unmount
#19 opened by gerhr - 2
.client.on("user-published") does not publishing remote(client) video if client joins first. works fine if local user joins first Kindly help asap.
#44 opened by web-lex - 5
- 1
Fix: Update installation path
#40 opened by MahirMahdi - 3
How to know who is joined?
#16 opened by kumaramitbag - 3
- 2
- 0
- 2
createMicrophoneAndCameraTracks method bug
#33 opened by PCQQQ - 2
TypeScript issue on AgoraVideoPlayer
#35 opened by souhailmerroun - 1
Hi, I have an error code 102
#32 opened by ronny141 - 3
Enable setLogLevel
#22 opened by mikeeus - 2
- 0
React 18 Support?
#30 opened by codyseibert - 2
- 1
Please remove and
#27 opened by ncaq - 1
Using an archived agora dependency
#25 opened by imsherrill - 4
- 6
Publish to npm
#2 opened by iddan - 1
Disable mic on connect
#20 opened by lil12t - 1
- 2
associating user with video
#14 opened by brismol - 0
- 2
Video gets cropped
#9 opened by 123vivekr - 1
Blocked by CORS policy
#8 opened by DeepakSaini119 - 2
Audio track does not stop in Chrome Icognito
#5 opened by emorling - 1
#3 opened by emorling - 3
Audio is working only on refresh
#6 opened by gosrinin - 2
run-s command
#1 opened by bilalesi