Flutter plugin to simply integrate Agora Video Calling or Live Video Streaming to your app with just a few lines of code.
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[BUG] how can i add event handlers please
#165 opened by Ahmad0Tanveer - 1
[BUG]Error Code -2 Thrown When Attempting Local Audio Recording in Agora sdk Flutter
#162 opened by supunnilakshana - 3
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How to add Layout for Voice Calls
#161 opened by mithlesh6639 - 1
Error code 102
#160 opened by ardeshir-33033 - 1
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The argument type 'String?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String' because 'String?' is nullable and 'String' isn't.
#159 opened by jatin-web - 3
Details on how to properly setup screen-sharing functionality in iOS build using UIKit
#150 opened by mrtordoide - 5
Accept getToken callback in AgoraConnectionData
#153 opened by iamriajul - 0
not working
#155 opened by Gagandeep1408 - 8
[BUG] : package:agora_rtc_engine/src/render/video_view_controller.dart: Failed assertion: Using Flutter agora_uikit
#147 opened by itsdani121 - 0
Execution failed for task ':iris_method_channel:buildCMakeDebug[arm64-v8a]'.
#148 opened by darshan1226 - 0
[BUG] Build failed with an exception
#204 opened by mss-swp - 0
I wonder if the developers reply, as I barely see any reply on many issues raised.
#202 opened by zaid-debug - 2
Error in upload IOS version
#203 opened by adham-ashraf77 - 0
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#200 opened by IrfanUllahKhanMohmand - 1
Remote uid can not be null or 0 'package:agora_rtc_engine/src/render/video_view_controller.dart': Failed assertion: line 81 pos 16: 'canvas.uid != null && canvas.uid != 0'
#201 opened by zaid-debug - 0
Support for Picture in Picture
#193 opened by hajajmaor - 0
#194 opened by AbdullahYasserKamal - 0
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Live Broadcasting
#187 opened by moesaid - 1
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[BUG] Permissions for Mic and Camera don't remain and video doesn't show
#192 opened by betatechnologiesuk - 0
Screen Sharing stop in between and required advance features (overlay and some what customisation)
#184 opened by flutter-vrinsoft - 1
Show error on floating mood [BUG]
#185 opened by BulbulH - 0
Integration with ActiveFence
#186 opened by moesaid - 1
compileReleaseKotlin Error
#179 opened by osmangaziyildiz - 1
[BUG] How Can I Properly end a call?
#180 opened by GxnxrxlMasri - 0
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Reduce AppSize After Integration of Agora UIKit
#173 opened by nikkieke - 0
Upper FPS
#174 opened by Ararat22891 - 2
- 0
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[FEATURE] Custom Loading Widget
#170 opened by PranayD1807 - 1
How i can add videowatermark in agora ui kit because i am able to add WatermarkOptions
#167 opened by ankit-deligence3112 - 0
A black screen appears when a call is canceled.
#197 opened by ashwaniRoshan - 1
[BUG] Token generated from our node server is not able to be passed into the connection data
#196 opened by connlaoi - 3
#175 opened by alexmanokhin - 1
Importing issue.
#176 opened by arijit121 - 7
Agora UI Kit is not compiling
#177 opened by nikkieke - 3
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Error in Thread 4 on xcode 17
#166 opened by omeramasib - 4
The argument type 'VideoSourceType' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'RtcConnection'
#151 opened by BobLee-GT - 1
[FEATURE] Allow to use pre-release version
#156 opened by ampersanda - 2
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The example keeps loading...
#145 opened by BlackTryyy - 1
Framework not found iris_event
#141 opened by Nader2004