Agora Token Generator


Token generator for building a token server with Python & the Agora RTM/RTC


pip install agora-token-builder


RTC Live Video Calling & Chat SDK

Build token with int UID:

from agora_token_builder import RtcTokenBuilder

#Build token with uid
token = RtcTokenBuilder.buildTokenWithUid(appId, appCertificate, channelName, uid, role, privilegeExpiredTs)

Build token with string UserAccount:

from agora_token_builder import RtcTokenBuilder

#Build token with userAccount
token = RtcTokenBuilder.buildTokenWithAccount(appId, appCertificate, channelName, account, role, privilegeExpiredTs)
RTM Real-Time Messaging & Chat SDK

Build RTM token.

from agora_token_builder import RtmTokenBuilder

token = RtmTokenBuilder.buildToken(appID, appCertificate, userAccount, role, privilegeExpiredTs)

Variable Definitions

The App ID issued to you by Agora. Apply for a new App ID from the gora Dashboard if it is missing from your kit. See Get an App ID.

Certificate of the application that you registered in the Agora Dashboard. See Get an App Certificate.

Unique channel name for the AgoraRTC session in the string format

User ID. A 32-bit unsigned integer with a value ranging from 1 to (232-1). optionalUid must be unique.

userAccount A unique identifier used for to represent a user account. This value will be a string and can contain numbers, letters and any special characters.

Role_Publisher = 1: A broadcaster (host) in a live-broadcast profile. Role_Subscriber = 2: (Default) A audience in a live-broadcast profile.

Represented by the number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970. If, for example, you want to access the Agora Service within 10 minutes after the token is generated, set expireTimestamp as the current


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