Typing App

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This project shows you how to use AgoraRTM sdk to build an app like Honk

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare, build, and run the application.

Prepare Dependencies


Change directory into iOS folder, run following command to install project dependencies,

pod install

Verify Typing.xcworkspace has been properly generated.

Obtain an App Id

To build and run the sample application, get an App Id:

  1. Create a developer account at agora.io. Once you finish the signup process, you will be redirected to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate in the Dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
  3. Save the App Id from the Dashboard for later use.
  4. Generate the Access Token, you can follow the step by step at agora.io.


Open Typing.xcworkspace and edit the KeyCenter.swift file. In the KeyCenter struct, update <#Your App Id#> with your App Id, and change <#Temp Access Token#> with the temp Access Token generated from dashboard. Note you can leave the token variable nil if your project has not turned on security token.

``` Swift
struct KeyCenter {
    static let AppId: String = <#Your App Id#>

    // assign token to nil if you have not enabled app certificate
    static var Token: String? = <#Temp Access Token#>

You are all set. Now connect your iPhone or iPad device and run the project.


Open Android and edit the app/src/main/java/io/agora/typing/base/BuildConfig.kt file. Update <#Your App Id#> with your App Id, and change <#Temp Access Token#> with the temp Access Token generated from dashboard. Note you can leave the token variable null if your project has not turned on security token.

``` kotlin
val appId: String = YOUR APP ID
val token: String? = YOUR ACCESS TOKEN

You are all set. Now connect your Android device and run the project.