Flutter wrapper around the Agora Real Time Message SDKs for Android and iOS
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Add namespace for compatibility with AGP <4.2
#169 opened by iamriajul - 1
wrong parameter decode from ios native make ios crash and some feature not work
#167 opened by guopeng1994 - 0
Im getting this error AgoraRtmClient login failed errorCode: 5 when i tries to login
#166 opened by 21prnv - 0
#164 opened by meihdimtg - 1
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Upgrade to v2 of the native sdks and update the apis
#162 opened by ahmdaeyz - 1
Flutter Desktop Support (Windows / MacOS)
#156 opened by commtel-dev - 2
Not receiving message from client or channel
#157 opened by souravdivii - 4
any updates on web support
#118 opened by nholmvio - 1
How can I acceptRemoteInvitation
#155 opened by doanbh - 1
Crash in destroy client
#151 opened by senkia24 - 3
Can you update example to lastest version of package?
#150 opened by doanbh - 4
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AgoraRtmLocalInvitation Error
#153 opened by Abd-Alrahman-Alahmar - 4
AgoraRTM login failed
#124 opened by tanushreeShelare - 3
login failed errorCode:5
#127 opened by danchengash - 5
RTM failed to login
#139 opened by creative-hustlers - 3
iOS crashed when app in background for a while
#138 opened by akindone - 1
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Login errorCode:8 and Logout errorCode:102
#135 opened by dicky28revo - 1
#131 opened by mo2555 - 2
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Error flutterEngine.getPlugins()
#128 opened by Junama - 1
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Issue With Sending Invites
#107 opened by rlee1990 - 2
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iOS Xcode build Error
#113 opened by zhangweiwei0326 - 1
AgoraRtcEngine.setLogFile("/abc.log") is not creating any log and getting an issue as "invalid file path for"
#114 opened by VaniLokesh - 0
1.5.1 crash
#145 opened by HatsuneMikuV - 1
warning: the '-d' option with a directory destination is ignored because '-Xbuild-file' is specified
#143 opened by ming200825 - 0
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Defective OpenSSL Version
#137 opened by conan1150 - 1
是否考虑支持windows 和 mac os呢
#133 opened by simuusang - 2
Support the new Agora Chat API
#129 opened by aytunch - 1
[Question] : How to receive share screen
#121 opened by CaoGiaHieu-dev - 2
Login Error
#125 opened by egnimos - 27
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sendLocalInvitation not properly documented
#115 opened by ameerfayiz - 1
example 文件加下的 demo 我无法运行起来:提示 Execution failed for task ':agora_rtm:compileDebugKotlin'
#110 opened by leofx - 1
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Call invite when app is killed
#108 opened by geetglasier - 4
Can't login due to LOGIN_ERR_INVALID_TOKEN
#106 opened by sleith - 4
PlatformException(4, not supported, null, null)
#105 opened by panchalAlpit - 1