Serves as a header generator for the Vulkan API. It is based on the vk.xml file from the KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers repository. Contains only parts of the API that are actually improving the development experience. All headers are usable without any additional dependencies, besides Vulkan headers.
- Generates a header file with Vulkan functions and types
- Generates a header file for a subset of Vulkan functions. Example:
./WisVk_generator -l -i in.txt -o out.hpp
- Text file has a simple format:
[table name]
# comment
- Opt will generate no error if the function is not loaded to the table
- Comment will be ignored
- There may be up to 3 tables generated from a single table name: Global, Instance and Device tables
- Supports loading of Vulkan functions from a dynamic library
- Does not require linking to the Vulkan library
- Does not pollute the global namespace with Vulkan functions
- Functions are loaded using best effort approach, if a function is not available, it will try to load it from an extension
- Loads functions depending on header version replacing new commands with extension ones if possible
- Provides a shared_ptr like handle implementation for Vulkan handles with parent-child relationships
- Handles keep track of their parent handles ensuring that the parent handle is not destroyed before the child handle
- Managed handles are unique_ptr like objects that can be moved, but not copied
- Managed handles still require shared_handle to parent handle to be kept alive
- Provides a traits class for Vulkan handles
- Include creation parent, destruction function, and destruction parent, as well as pool handle type for pool handles
- Provides a stub for loading the Vulkan library
- Can be used to implement custom library loading
The generator is used to generate up-to-date headers for Wisdom project. However, it can be used for other projects as well. The generated output is specifically constrained to the needs of Wisdom project, but it can be easily modified.
Use FetchContent to add the repository to your project. If you intend only to use headers, you can use the following snippet:
GIT_TAG master
This will make a target called wisvk available. You can then use it in your target_link_libraries command. Configuration should take no time at all.