
Plug-and-play react package for OAuth2 Authorization Code flow with PKCE

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Plug-and-play react package for OAuth2 Authorization Code flow with PKCE

Adhering to the RFCs recommendations, cryptographically sound, and with zero dependencies!

What is OAuth2 Authorization Code flow with PKCE?

Short version;
The modern and secure way to do authentication for mobile and web applications!

Long version;


  • Authorization server agnostic, works equally well with all OAuth2 auth servers following the OAuth2 spec
  • Supports OpenID Connect (idTokens)
  • Pre- and Post login callbacks
  • Silently refreshes short lived access tokens in the background
  • Decodes JWT's


import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { AuthContext, AuthProvider, TAuthConfig } from "react-oauth2-code-pkce"

const authConfig: TAuthConfig = {
  clientId: 'myClientID',
  authorizationEndpoint: 'myAuthEndpoint',
  tokenEndpoint: 'myTokenEndpoint',
  // Where ever your application is running. Must match configuration on authorization server
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/',
  // Optional
  scope: 'someScope openid',
  // Optional
  logoutEndpoint: '',
  // Optional
  logoutRedirect: '',
  // Example to redirect back to original path after login has completed
  preLogin: () => localStorage.setItem('preLoginPath', location.pathname),
  postLogin: () => location.replace(localStorage.getItem('preLoginPath')),

function LoginInfo() {
  const { tokenData, token, idToken, logOut, error } = useContext(AuthContext)

  return (
        {token ?
                <h4>Access Token (JWT)</h4>
                <h4>Login Information from Access Token (Base64 decoded JWT)</h4>
                <pre>{JSON.stringify(tokenData, null, 2)}</pre>
            </> :
            <div>You are not logged in</div>


      <AuthProvider authConfig={authConfig}>
    </div>, document.getElementById('root'),


The package is available on npmjs.com here; https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-oauth2-code-pkce

npm install react-oauth2-code-pkce

and import

import { AuthContext, AuthProvider } from "react-oauth2-code-pkce"


  1. Update the 'authConfig' object in src/index.js with config from your authorization server and application
  2. Install node_modules -> $ yarn install
  3. Run -> $ yarn start


You are welcome to create issues and pull requests :)