
Template for using vitest-cucumber and react testing library together

Primary LanguageTypeScript

RTL + Vitest Cucumber

This template provides a minimal setup to setup testing using RTL (React Testing Library) with Vitest Cucumber. Vitest Cucumber is a plugin that uses Gherkin syntax to setup tests


Below installs react-testing library, vitest-cucumber, and vitest.

npm i @testing-library/react
npm install -D vitest
npm i @amiceli/vitest-cucumber

Generate Spec File from Feature File


npx @amiceli/vitest-cucumber <path-to-feature> <path-to-spec>


npx @amiceli/vitest-cucumber features/example.feature src/__tests__/example.spec.ts


Below shows an example of the “feature.test.tsx” where the test simulates a user uploading files to a dropbox. Afterwards, the table UI component should be populated and be shown to the user. Also, note how the tests are written in Gherkin syntax (more information can be found here -> https://github.com/amiceli/vitest-cucumber).

f.Scenario("User wants to upload KML file", (s) => {
      s.Given("the uploadTab is live", async () => {
          //logic to check if uploadTab is live
      s.When("the user clicks on the UploadButton", async () => {
       //user clicks upload button
          screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Upload" }),
        await userEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Upload" }));
      s.Then("the user should see a green check mark and table", () => {
          //check green check mark
          expect(screen.queryByText(“check mark”)).toBeInScreen();
         //logic to check table


Running tests

To run the tests in the repo follow the following steps:

  1. Clone Repo
  2. Download node modules using npm i
  3. Run test using npm test /__tests__/button.test.tsx

External Links

React Testing Library: https://github.com/testing-library/react-testing-library

Vitest Cucumber: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@amiceli/vitest-cucumber

Vitest: https://vitest.dev/guide/