# PHP Version - 5.2+ (preferably 5.3+)
GD Version - 2.x+
PCRE Version - 7.x+
cURL version - 7.x+
json version - 1.x+
php.ini settings
max_execution_time - 180 (not mandatory)
max_input_time - 6000 (not mandatory)
memory_limit - 128M (at least 32M)
safe_mode - off
open_basedir - No Value
display_error = On
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
# MySQL Version - 5.x
# Apache - 1+ (preferably 2+)
mod_deflate (not mandatory, but highly recommended for better performance–gzip)
mod_expires (not mandatory, but highly recommended for better performance–browser caching)
Recommended Linux distributions: Centos / Ubuntu / RedHat
Extract Files
Unzip the zip file
Upload the unzipped files in server.
- Need write permission for following folders
(Need write permission for php/apache; can be chmod 655 or 755 or 777 depending upon server configuration)
Make sure the permission as read,write and executable as recursively for the below directories
Change following item in app/config/config.php
$config['site']['domain'] = 'justspotted'; // change to your domain name (only name like "yourdomain"). also you need to set this only when site routing url is set as subdomain
There are few places where site logo are located. To change those logo, you need to replace your logo with exact name and resolution in the following mentioned directories.
Site Logo
app/webroot/img/logo.png - 318 x 58
app/webroot/favicon.ico - 16 x 16
The sql file 'justspotted_with_empty_data.sql' is also attached, which is located in 'app/config/sql'. import the database through phpmyadmin or any other tool.
After importing the sql database, do not truncate any data directly from the database. All the data in the imported database are required. Removing unwanted cities can be done through administrator end which will be explained later in the following steps.
In app/config/database.php, we need to change host, login, password, database. Update that in 4 places (For setting up master/slave setup, get professional help and it's not thoroughly tested)
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'dbuser',
'password' => 'dbpassword',
'database' => 'justspotted'
- If you can reset 'DocumentRoot'
Reset your Apache DocumentRoot to /public_html/app/webroot/ by following means:
If you're on dedicated host, reset DocumentRoot in httpd.conf with /public_html/app/webroot/
If you're on shared host, reset your virtual directory to point to /public_html/app/webroot/
Note: This requirement is not mandatory, but highly preferred to skip the following tweaks in htaccess files.
- If you cannot reset 'DocumentRoot'
Installing site directly in the root e.g., http://yourdomain.com/
Again, no need to tweak 'htaccess' files. Installing site as a sub-folder e.g., http://yourdomain.com/myfolder
app/.htaccess ensure the RewriteBase as below:
RewriteBase /myfolder/app/
app/webroot/.htaccess ensure the RewriteBase as below:
RewriteBase /myfolder/
Run Diagnostic tool
Run the diagnostic tool http://yourdomain.com/diagnose.php and verify all permission has been set properly and all other requirements get met before running the site.
Running site for the first time
Now run the site with http://yourdomain.com/ or http://yourdomain.com/myfolder After successful running of the site, login as admin using the below details in login form.
username: admin
password: agriya
- To change administrator profile details, click 'My Account' in the top menu, then edit the profile information.
- To change administrator password, click 'Change Password' in the top menu, then change the password.