Application Programming Interface for the AgroDataCube
Version 2.1 of the AgroDataCube provides crop field oriented data for the Netherlands through a REST API that returns information in GeoJSON format. New to 1.x is support for external rasters provided by WCS services.
This version was created using the following tools
- netbeans 9 (any ide supporting maven will do)
- maven version as supplied with netbeans
- java 8
- postgres 9.2 db
In order to use the project in your own environment:
- get the code from git
- optionally change the path in web.xml
- build in e.g. netbeans (v8 was used)
- deploy (in tomcat)
- add filled-in file from provided template in root of tomcat
- get a database, see #38 Sample database (aka Duckburg) is available (adctest.dmp.txt). Ask us!
Steps to use db (verified with postgres 9.4):
- create database adctest with encoding='UTF8';
- create extension postgis;
- create user adctest with password password;
- restore: psql --host localhost --port 5432 --username "postgres" --dbname "adctest" -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 < adctest.dmp.txt (use settings that apply to your situation)