
Incremental Static Regeneration for Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Incremental Static Regeneration for Angular

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) enables developers and content editors to use static-generation on a per-page basis, without needing to rebuild the entire site. With ISR, you can retain the benefits of static while scaling to millions of pages. Source

📰 Read the blog post

How to use it?

  1. Install npm package
npm install ngx-isr

Make sure you have Angular Universal in your app.

Setup Angular Universal: ng add @nguniversal/express-engine

  1. Initialize ISRHandler inside server.ts
const isr = new ISRHandler({
  invalidateSecretToken: 'MY_TOKEN', // replace with env secret key
  enableLogging: !environment.production
  1. Add invalidation url handler
server.get("/api/invalidate", async (req, res) => await isr.invalidate(req, res));
  1. Replace Angular default server side rendering with ISR rendering


  (req, res) => {
    res.render(indexHtml, { req, providers: [{ provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: req.baseUrl }] });


  // Serve page if it exists in cache
  async (req, res, next) => await isr.serveFromCache(req, res, next),
  // Server side render the page and add to cache if needed
  async (req, res, next) => await isr.render(req, res, next),

You can also pass providers to each of the ISRHandler methods.

  async (req, res, next) => await isr.render(req, res, next, {
    providers: [
      { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: req.baseUrl }, // <-- Needs to be provided when passing providers 
      { provide: CUSTOM_TOKEN, useValue: 'Hello from ISR' },

ISRHandler provides APP_BASE_HREF by default. And if you want pass providers into the methods of ISRHandler, you will also have to provide APP_BASE_HREF token.

  1. Add revalidate key in route data


  path: "example",
  component: ExampleComponent,
  data: { revalidate: 5 },

NOTE: Routes that don't have revalidate key in data won't be handled by ISR. They will fallback to Angular default server side rendering pipeline.

  1. Add NgxIsrModule in AppServerModule imports
import { NgxIsrModule } from 'ngx-isr'; // <-- Import module from library

  imports: [
    NgxIsrModule.forRoot()  // <-- Use it in module imports
export class AppServerModule {}

When importing the module, NgxIsrService will be initialized and will start to listen to route changes, only on the server side, so the browser bundle won't contain any extra code.

Play with demo

git clone https://github.com/eneajaho/ngx-isr.git
npm install
npm run dev:ssr
  1. Disable Javascript (in order to not load Angular after the page loads)
  2. Navigate to different pages and check how the cache gets regenerated in terminal logs

How it works?

The first time a user opens a pages, we server-side render that page, and save its result in cache.

Next time when a user requests the same page he will be served the first cached response.

To handle Incremental Static Regeneration, we need to configure it from our route data.

For example:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: "one",
    component: PageOneComponent,
    path: "two",
    component: PageTwoComponent,
    data: { revalidate: 5 },
    path: "three",
    component: PageThreeComponent,
    data: { revalidate: 0 },
  • Path /one won't be cached at all, and everytime it is requested it will be server-rendered and then will be served to the user.

  • Path /two on the first request will be server-rendered and then will be cached. On the second request to it, the user will be served the cache that we got on the first request. The url will be added to a regeneration queue, in order to re-generate the cache after 5 seconds. On the third request to the same url, if the regeneration was finished the user will be served the regenerated page otherwise he will be served with the old cached page.

  • Path /three after the first request that is server-rendered, the page will be added to cache and the cache will never be deleted automatically as in path /two. So after the first request, all the other ones will come from the cache.


  • Version 0.2.0
    • Features:
      • Added skipCachingOnHttpError option. It will be enabled by default.
    • Breaking changes:
      • When adding NgxIsrModule in AppServerModule imports, we should change it to be NgxIsrModule.forRoot().
