
mongoose query creator. Alternative for mongoose-api-query but without schema understanding.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

mongoose-query Build Status



mongoose query creator. Alternative for mongoose-api-query but without schema understanding. This very simple library can be used for example expressjs+mongoose applications to help construct mongoose query model directly from url parameters.


versio Changes
0.2.1 added oid support, fixed aggregate and support mongoose => 3.8.1
0.2.0 replace underscore with lodash, possible to return promise when no callback in use
0.1.7 typo on mapReduce case, !empty keyword added
0.1.6 Support for complex populate query and mapReduce improvements
0.1.5 -


Use npm:

npm install mongoose-query

Usage Example

var QueryPlugin = require(mongoose-query);
var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({});
var testmodel = mongoose.model('test', TestSchema);

//express route
module.exports = function query(req, res) {
  testmodel.query(req.query, function(error, data){
    res.json(error?{error: error}:data);

Query string example


Converted to:

model.find({group: "users"}).select("name").skip(1).limit(5).populate('name')

note: Seems that sorting with limit doesn't work with mongodb 2.4.x without related indexes. Mongodb 2.6.x seems to work.



q=<query>                   restrict results by the specified JSON query
                            regex e.g. q='{"field":{"$regex":"/mygrep/", "$options":"i"}}'
t=<type>                    find|findOne|count|aggregate|distinct|aggregate|mapReduce
f=<set of fields>           specify the set of fields to include or exclude in each document 
                            (1 - include; 0 - exclude)
s=<sort order>              specify the order in which to sort each specified field 
                            (1- ascending; -1 - descending), JSON
sk=<num results to skip>    specify the number of results to skip in the result set; 
                            useful for paging
l=<limit>                   specify the limit for the number of results (default is 1000)
p=<populate>                specify the fields for populate, also more complex json object is supported.
map=<mapFunction>           mongodb map function as string
                            e.g. "function(){if (this.status == 'A') emit(this.cust_id, 1);)}"
reduce=<reduceFunction>     mongodb reduce function as string
                            e.g. "function(key, values) {return result;}"
fl=<boolean>                Flat results or not

Special values:
"oid:<string>"              string is converted to ObjectId
{ $regex: /<string>/,       regex match with optional regex options
 ($options: "") }        
Alternative search conditions:
"key={in}a,b"               At least one of these is in array
"key={nin}a,b"              Any of these values is not in array
"key={all}a,b"              All of these contains in array
"key={empty}-"              Field is empty or not exists
"key={!empty}-"             Field exists and is not empty
"key={mod}a,b"              Docs where key mod a is b
"key={gt}a"                 Docs key is greater than a
"key={lt}a"                 Docs key is lower than a
"key=a|b|c"                 Docs where type of key is Array and contains at least one of given value


 	nest: {
 		ed: {
 			data: 'value',

 {'nest.ed.data': 'value',